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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Jun 2008

    Default 12/6/2 monster-esque

    I'm trying to design a WF Monster-esque build I can use for soloing for some fun. Instead of Monk, I chose rogue for UMD. I was trying to replace the ranger levels with something but I don't feel like playing a FOTM blitz, so I created my own. Here's where I'm at so far:

    Starting Stats (32 Point WF)

    Str - 18
    Dex - 15
    Con - 17
    Int - 8
    Wis - 6
    Cha - 6

    +2 dex tome minimum at level 7(or anytime before 12)
    I have tomes for everything else, this build only requires a dex tome though. Wis tome will help get Ranger spells faster.

    Level Progression:
    Ranger till Ranger 6
    Fighter till Fighter 12

    Skills, max UMD, Ranger points into some Jump and Balance and UMD, Fighter points mostly into balance, adding to UMD when required, 8 rogue points at 20 (could be earlier if needed) into UMD

    1: Toughness
    2(Ranger Granted): TWF
    3: Dodge
    3(Fighter): Stunning Blow
    4(Fighter): Khopesh
    6: Spring Attack
    8(Ranger Granted): ITWF
    9: IC: Slash
    11(Fighter): Weapon Focus
    12: GTWF
    13(Fighter): Weapon Spec
    15(Fighter): Quickdraw
    15: Power Attack
    17(Fighter): Greater Weapon Focus
    18: Toughness2? Hamstring/SF:UMD possibilities
    19(Fighter): Greater Weapon Spec

    Favored Enemies:
    Evil Outsiders

    Enhancements (Off the top of my head, very likely wrong and incomplete)
    Kensei II
    Tempest I
    FE Damage II
    Fighter Haste Boost IV
    Racial/Class Toughness IV (or III, I'm not sure what's available)
    Sneak Attack Damage I
    Warforged Con I or II (item dependant)
    Fighter Str II or III (item dependant)
    Ranger Sprint II
    <insert more here>

    Non-TR'd character, will likely be dpsing with crafted Khopeshs, aiming for Holy Burst/Silver/Bane for eventual boss beaters, Lit II for trash when able to farm shroud. I'm at work and so I didn't do any skill/enhancement/hp/etc breakdowns, but from my viewpoint it should have DPS in line with other fighter builds, a little bit behind blitz vs normal enemies, slightly higher against FE's. Can get decent AC to solo with, and access to fire shield and self heals through cure wands at the beginning, and reconstruction scrolls later on.

    Edit: Probably will have enough DC, will try it out.
    I'm not sure on Stunning Blow. I don't think there will be enough enhancements for tactics (I could be wrong, haven't had a chance to do them yet) to get its DC high enough to use late game, but it should help in leveling in early game and I can lose it for another toughness or something else later on. I ran out of ideas for my last non fighter feat as well, so I stuck in a second toughness. Suggestions are welcome.

    As far as gear goes, this is a non TR'd toon and not a whole lot of twinking to do. I'm thinking crafted level 1 docent of invulnerability for a long while, charged gloves, and crafting a bunch of lower level stuff to fill in the holes. Eventually onto DT docent, GS hp goggles, etc.

    This is what I got for now while at work. Will update when I get home with a more complete description of enhancements/gear/skills/etc just wanted to write down the big parts. Assist away!...or don't. Wuetva.

    Last edited by rath; 06-09-2011 at 03:40 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Nov 2009


    You'll probably "Doh!" when you read this (I realise you're at work, lol), but you missed Power Attack. No sweat though because you didn't take a feat at 18. Yeah, the second Toughness might be a bit overkill on a Toaster with that much Con. Alternatives: Hamstring, Cleave, Lightning Reflexes or Skill Focus: UMD. Maybe even something to boost ranged damage (you'll have Manyshot after all).

    You're better off not taking Rogue at level 1. Take it around level 8-10 (after the +Int tome) so you can stick a full 8 points in to UMD. It's better than having a load of spare points at first level to spread between Haggle and Swim. You can't put all your points in UMD at first level. Taking Ranger at first level should give you plenty of points for what you want.

    Actually I imagine you will have spare points to boost Stunning Blow DC. From the two Rogue levels you'll really only have the Sneak Attack enhancements to pick up, and Rangers don't have many good AP dumps (basically Tempest, Sprint, and FE: Damage).

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Jun 2008


    Yes...I knew that...Haha, added Power Attack, added an 18th level feat (ewps!), and made updates to level progression based on your comments. More feedback still welcome.


  4. #4
    Community Member kingarthas87's Avatar
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    Feb 2010


    Save yourself 3 feat and dont even bother with tempest 1, 3 **** feat for 10% offhand is just not worth it. This way you can get hamstring, sb, or more toughness feat.

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Jun 2008


    15 dps (not a real number, just an example. idk how much it would be) is still 15 dps. More useful than over stacking hp in my opinion. The only other feat I would like to add is sap, and it's not completely necessary.


  6. #6
    Community Member
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    Jun 2008


    Okay, I've had some time to run it through the character planner. Here's what I came up with if I reinc my double TR'd Monk into this creation.

    Strength 18
    Dexterity 15
    Constitution 16
    Intelligence 14
    Wisdom 6
    Charisma 6

    +2 tomes at 7

    Few points in OL Jump Balance (With careful stat planning, can max all UMD DD Search and Spot)

    Level/Feat Breakdown:
    1 Rogue: Toughness
    2 (Fighter): Stunning Blow
    3 Fighter: Combat Expertise
    3 (Fighter): Improved Trip
    4 Ranger: FE Undead
    5 Ranger: (TWF)
    6 Fighter: Khopesh
    7 (Fighter): WF: Slashing
    8 Fighter
    9 Fighter: WS: Slashing
    9 (Fighter): IC: Slashing
    10 Ranger
    11 Ranger
    12 Fighter: OTWF
    13 (Fighter): GWF: Slashing
    14 Ranger: FE: Evil Outsider
    15 Ranger: (ITWF), GTWF
    16 Fighter
    17 (Fighter): Power Attack
    18 Fighter: Quick Draw
    19 (Fighter): GWS: Slashing
    20 Rogue

    Warforged Brute Fighting II
    Warforged Power Attack III
    Warforged Constitution I
    Warforged Tactics I
    Warforged Healer's Friend II
    Kensei Khopesh Mastery II
    Fighter Kensei II
    Fighter Haste Boost IV
    Fighter Strength III
    Fighter Strategy (Stunning Blow) I
    Fighter Strategy (Trip) I
    Fighter Khopesh Specialization I
    Fighter Critical Accuracy II
    Fighter Attack Boost II
    Fighter Toughness III
    Racial Toughness III
    Ranger Skill Boost II
    Ranger Favored Attack I
    Ranger Favored Damage II
    Ranger Sprint Boost I
    Rogue Sneak Attack Training I

    Doing this quickly as my work day ended 3 minutes ago. Think I got everything. Will add some maths for to-hit, str, damage, etc later possibly. Suggestions/feedback welcome, about 3 weeks until I TR this feller.


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