Khyber: Runforr 13/6/1 Rog/Ftr/Mnk, Bakup 3/3/1 Mnk/Pal/Rog (TR Pal), Faylah 14 Mnk (TR Mnk), Janthyra 12/7/1 Brb/Rog/Ftr, Ainbthech 20 Sor, Fliethas 18/2 Fvs/Mnk, Unfilled 12/6/2 Mnk/Rgr/Ftr, Arcanemark 10 Wiz "Don't eat us dragon! We're like you, but smaller. And fly worse." - Kobold Crewman on the Heart of Wind
ok on these thoughts.. lets change it up a lil.. the Epic DR. I like that thought, make the fight challenging..
the Head explosion thing if you drink a SP pot?
go with this idea instead,
1. you can consume only one Health Potion at anytime during combat
2. apply the same as above with spell point potion.
This will present a challenge and maybe make all those blade swinging happy DPS, aggro grabbing peeps to pay more attention to their healers, bards, etc.. so when your healer yells (excuse the WoW reference) OOM!! that means your dead. so DPS is fine just watch your own HP and realize what the healer has, he has to make last across the whole raid.
We have a no healing restriction in Abbot on asteroids and despite it being the easiest minigame in there, It usually fails the most. In an actual full raid something like that would make people not want to run it, which means no one buys the pack which is not what Turbine wants, I'm sure.
Had a thought for a boss ability.
Shattermind Strike: If struck with this attack, your maximum SP is reduced by 500. This effect stacks with itself and can only be reversed by resting.
The bird of Hermes is my name, Eating my wings to keep me tame.
Toons: Diclonius, Sempresno, Slitmuno, Slitmdos, Slitmtres, Skyfe, Calcatrix, Marcosias, Sumona, Tarokian, Etc.
"DR 100/epic "....bwahahahahah
"mnemonic thinguie emorage "....bwahahahahahaha
"can only use weapons from the raid "....bwahahahahahah
i laughed so hard.thx , shade , to bring me , everytime i read one of your post , an unstoppable laugh that can last for minutes....thx , really.
what a great humorist ...o its not humor ? you re serious ? bawahahahahahahahahah[...]
astriane >clc18/mk2 - altena >barb18/ftr2 - Armcore >arty 20 - Assiriane >FvS 20 - Metaloid >wiz17 -
base of operations : cannith - "shinies ! more shinies ! " -
A Tribe Called Zerg - RAAAAWR
tl;dr (pages 2-11@ 20 replies per page) just scanned for Dev input. Not suprised that there has been no posts from devs
You might not be included in "we"
But "we" being the few of us still playing after all these years after we played those original raid versions sure did. Even tho we often stood no chance, we attempted to beat titan 30+ times before they nerfed it, it was a blast.
Easily winning every time with no challenge isn't always the most fun.
All of those things only apply to 1 difficulty mode thats not intended for you.
Whats funny is your greedy enough to want to have everything for yourself. The game has different modes for player enjoy different things for a reason. the modes intended your yourself have none of that.
Theres 4 settings, not every one should be for every player. And the hardest one should never be considered the default for the most basic casual player like it is now for certain raids.
Wasn't there a continuation of the Reaver storyline which hinted of a Dracolich? that could have all the possibilities of beeing a truly awesome raid.
Don't argue with a fool because he might be doing the same thing!
And I disagree, the last thing we need is another Abbot/Titan, because as it stands currently, even after the "nerf", Titan and Abbot seem to the lest run of all the raids. Which I might add makes then only slightly less run then Chronoscope at level. (on my server at least)
This is the idea I have for how I feel would be the best way to introduce harder higher-level content. Higher Level Content
I typed out a long response here, and then I deleted it because I didn't want the infractions that would have come with it.
Let it suffice to say that making a bunch of outlandish suggestions such as DR 100/epic and instant death upon drinking a mana pot, which are ridiculous suggestions that suit your personal play style, and then having the gonads to say something like this:
is beyond hypocritical.
Pot, meet kettle.
Last edited by Calebro; 07-25-2011 at 07:55 AM.
I've often felt that a system of high DR that breaks upon gaining certain effects would be interesting. I thought a boss with Big DR/Ethereal (or something like that) would be interesting if the ethereal property came from running down a lane into another part of the raid map, bashing a crystal and high-tailing it back to swing at the boss.
Similar to the way the Training Dummy gives us the "Hours of Practice" buff, each crystal could give a buff (effect) that had properties allowing us to beat DR. This could include casters by having the buff include a huge chance to bypass the bosses massive SR (but then people would use spells with no check suggestions anyone?).
As far as increasing build variety goes, each lane could have respawn rates etc. and require different abilities to reach each crystal. Yes there's a crystal that needs monk/FvS jumps. But others could require high fort, will, evasion or even AC! This way the higher the variety of members in a party the more lanes can be used and the more quickly and easily the boss can be defeated. Bonus points if the lanes are randomized.
That's an idea that I've wanted to see for a while, something that increases the number of viable top-end builds and helps to prevent any player from feeling that they are useless (unless they really did screw up like the high CHA/WIS barbarian that never makes it past level 3). Heck even a lane full of dangerous but low-will undead enemies for a virtuoso to Fascinate would be fun!
btw. I definitely like the idea of a boss only hit by ranged weapons, BUT I'm reminded of Lailat. Wouldn't it be even easier to make her stay on her ledge until her HP hits a certain point (say 90%)? The reason that would cause problems is that it leaves the melee sitting quietly or throwing returning daggers etc. until the ranged DPS do their thing. This leaves us in the 2 players working 10 players afk situation.