Ok update 10 is done, has been done a while.. And should go live any day now.
So lets focus on what turbines actaully working on now - the first TRUELY high level raid in 2 years by the time it's released (Last one being ToD)
Given the insane developement time between new high level raids (2 years...), I think we'd all really like to see this one done right and provide us with a lot of playtime. We really don't want to another reaver (10min raid that we get al the raidloot for in a week)
What we want:
A shroud like raid. I think most everyone can agree Shroud was by far the best done raid. In terms of scope, length, design, mix of puzzles/combat, and overall challenge, Shroud and Module 6 in general was when imo DDO truely hit its peak and delivered us what we all really wanted. A long, fun raid, that provides us with a reason to go back time and time again.
How do we do this today, where players have so much more power and resources available to tackle whatever is thrown at us?
Heavily Tier the raid. Yea i know, this means more grind and blah blah that other mmos do. But lets face it, thats what we need. If we want this new raid to last us another 2 years until we get another one, it has to provide a reason to do over a lot.
Instead of just the usual slew of difficulty settings were used to, where the monsters stats just go up a bit.. Make the raid truely harder in terms of tactics, player gear required, player skill required, and knowledge required to win as we go up the difficulty settings.
And mostly importantly - GIVE US EPIC. You absolutely cannot seriously be considering giving us the only new high level raid after waiting 2 years only to leave out a very popular difficulty setting. Get it in Fernando, it has to be done.
My idea to tier it:
Normal - defacto default difficulty for most players. Easy enough, beatable with fresh level20s without too much gear - but would present a major challenge to them. And likely require many runs to figure out the strategy to win. Runs with at least a few well geared veteran players could be rendered trivial, but oh well.. All the usual raidloot will drop on this mode. Tho not epic parts.
Thats what the next modes are for:
Hard - default veteran difficulty. Sersioulsy challenges well geared veteran groups. Taking along a few ungeared fresh 20s would be possibly, but definetely would pose a major challenge to those players. Everyone in the raid must be challenged, tasks must be provided that keep the players well split up and not allow a small core of players to drag along weaker ones. End Boss should be at least 3 major bosses at once, or major amounts of respawns that cannot easily be handled by 1-3 players.
To make this actaully worth doing, the rewards needs to be significantly better too. I'd say double chests. Meaning double raidloot at the end too.
Elite - For Top Tier veterans that have beaten this raid already many times on hard. Has new scenarios that require you not only to beat the same bosses you did on hard, with higher stats. But randomly provides extra ones that are insanely tough.. This will make guarenteed victories in top tiered guild runs never a sure thing, and keep things exciting, never knowing for sure if that uber-boss will appear.
In addition to the required additional strategy and stats.. Equipment would be pushed up by massively scaling the damage reduction of the boss:
Give him a weird arbitrary DR that our regular weaponry simply cannot handle.. Like Byeshks or Crystal. Set it to a high enough value to make it straight impossible without getting that weaponry - say 50 points.
The raid itself on hard should drop some of these weapons..
Thus the progression and tier'ing is created:
Do hard X times tell your geared for elite.
Rewards would be 2 chest slike hard, with slightly enhanced drop rate. and some more unique items otherwise not available on normal..Nothing too powerful, but things mainly designed to prep you for epic.
Give us another titan/abbot. We loved those raids, and while we still love the current slightly toned down verisons, the initial shock was fun.
We want it to be impossible. We want to try anyways to proove otherwise. Set some required objectives taht simply require insane twitch timing, along with character stats thaht are near the maximum limits. It should be like a whole new raid on epic. Only for the truely epic geared players - The "best of the best" just as the entry window says.
In addition to the heavy boss DR from elite.. All trash monsters on the way to the boss would gain:
This would serve a block, preventing non epic geared players from even reaching the boss.
Now ofcourse epics weapons dont even actually bypass epic DR atm.. But that can/should be fixed:
Either give all current epics DREpic bypassing.... Or add this which you alreayd put in the game files into the actual game:
And ofcourse also have enough foes with enough HP/resist to make killing them by casters possible - but simply not cost effective (would not be enough shrines to have the SP to do so)
Oh yea, and add this debuff to all players on entry on epic too:
Mneumonic brain hemorhage:
While under this effect, if you consume any item that provides mnenomic enhancements, your brain will expload.
(Drinking mana pots instantly kills you)
Those are my thoughts on how to make the raid fun for all player, and offer a lot of replayability in the same raid, thru difficulty settings being tier'd.
What do you want the new raid to be?