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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default DDO client spikes in cpu usage

    For some reason, after about 15-30 minutes of playing, the game begins to slow down considerably to the point of barely being playable. It goes from using like 20-30% of the cpu to using 50-60%.

    The link is for stormreach, but its there mostly to show the specs of my laptop.

    Any help would be much appreciated in solving this!

    I also fully understand it could just be my laptop.

    EDIT: So I figured out that by lowering the speed at which the games engine runs I lose all the aforementioned slowing down.
    Last edited by Orguam; 06-07-2011 at 10:34 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Dulcimerist's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Did you get it 100% solved then?

    Remember while gaming on a laptop to run it on performance mode (no power saving) while plugged into a wall outlet for power. Also make sure you aren't overheating - a cooling thing to set your laptop on is a good idea.
    "Swords will cut you wide open!" - Trip Fisk

  3. #3
    Community Member donfilibuster's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Dulcimerist View Post
    Remember while gaming on a laptop to run it on performance mode (no power saving) while plugged into a wall outlet for power. Also make sure you aren't overheating - a cooling thing to set your laptop on is a good idea.
    This, both things.

    You may also want to alt-tab out, open the task manager and make the ddoclient process into high priority.
    Doesn't make it faster but makes it less slow

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