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  1. #21
    Community Member redspecter23's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yaro View Post
    I pretty much agree with this, but not entirely. If this were the case, why wouldn't people run the quests at level for XP (like they do with most everything else) and then continue to grind later when over-leveled? My point is that it's really hard to get anyone to run a low- or mid-level Raid for XP. I think that tells me that the XP is not enough. No?
    There are many people that do run these quests at level for xp, it's just that instead of XP sacking Wizard King which could be 10+ runs and an hour or two of time dependent on the group, you have one run at something like Reaver for 10 minutes or so of time, so you just don't spend as much time in the raid as you do while farming any other quest of the same level. That Reaver run could be 50,000 xp for one run but because of the timer, you'll do your one run then move on to WK anyway.
    Kaarloe - Degenerate Matter - Argonnessen

  2. #22
    Community Member varusso's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yaro View Post
    You've brought the easy button to this post, too? I'm seriously cracking up.
    You advocate reducing the raid timer, and you say *I* want easy buttons? Do you have a fetish about buttons?
    Quote Originally Posted by Yaro View Post
    Precisely. My point is that it's disappointing that they're not run for XP. My suggestion is to alter the game so that they are.

    If changing the Raid timer would accomplish this, then I'd have no problem with that. My hunch is that the problem is XP and not the timer. When trying to put together low- and mid-level Raids I've very rarely come across the problem of someone being on timer. Most everyone, however, complains that it's just not enough XP for the time commitment.

    More to the point, did you even read the post? Adding more XP to the raids wont make a significant change to how often they are run at-level. You would have to raise the raid XP *ALOT* to make it attractive for the XP itself. And even THEN all you would do would be to speed up the process of outleveling the raid and running it overlevel sooner. Nerfing XP in other quests to compensate would only tick people off and make them complain (even more) about how the game is just about raiding.

    Quests are for XP, raids are for loot. Frankly, I like it that way. It means my character's fate is not tied to 11 other people when I am leveling.

    FOOTNOTE: I think your actual intention here is to give folks an incentive to run raids more at level, because you personally find them more fun and challenging at lvl, rather than a glorified pike when massively over-leveled, right? Well if that IS your goal, then you have to use a lure that actually appeals to the majority of people and WHY they are running the raid in the first place: to get the raid loot.

    If run at-level (defined as no-one more than 1 lvl over the quest lvl), increase the drop-percentage on the raid loot by a small percentage. I think plenty of folks would jump on that. Look at how many people will run the ear-dweller quests on elite rather than hard, just for the SLIGHT increase in chance of a drop. They are willing to put in a little more effort for a slightly better chance of reward. I daresay that would entice enough ppl to run it at-level to allow you to fill an at-level raid group more often.

  3. #23
    Community Member Bodic's Avatar
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    raids for xp reasons
    Titan and Velah are worth a grip, but to fill them is not always easy so they get maybe 1 run Titan being easieer ads you could have your sigil on a TR

    Queen and gh Reaver get 1 maybe 2 @ lvl
    Litany will get done @lvl especially on a TR as you can get the sigil before you TR

    well the rest are done close enough to lvl and I have enjoyed actually getting XP for TOD

  4. #24
    Community Member KillEveryone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yaro View Post
    OK. Then what if the XP rewards were rebalanced so that the mid-level Raids contributed significantly more to your leveling? If you didn't get so much XP from everything else, and a lot more from the Raids, perhaps more people would be running them at level. That's my whole point. What's the purpose of having content if no one ever sees it because there's no payoff?
    It would have to be a whole lot.

    Shadow Crypt
    VoN 3
    Wiz king

    All heavily farmed for XP when leveling and right in the range for VoN5/6, Titan, DQ2.
    Disappointed and without trust in the powers that be.

  5. #25
    Community Member KillEveryone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yaro View Post
    Precisely. My point is that it's disappointing that they're not run for XP. My suggestion is to alter the game so that they are.

    If changing the Raid timer would accomplish this, then I'd have no problem with that. My hunch is that the problem is XP and not the timer. When trying to put together low- and mid-level Raids I've very rarely come across the problem of someone being on timer. Most everyone, however, complains that it's just not enough XP for the time commitment.
    I think that part of the problem is getting people that are actually at the raid level to be able to get it for XP. You can stand around for an hour and wait for someone to join that is actually at the correct level and is also flagged.
    Disappointed and without trust in the powers that be.

  6. #26
    Community Member transtemporal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yaro View Post
    The problem is that no one wants to run Chronoscope, VON, Titan or ADQ on Elite "at level" because the XP for the time required is simply not there.
    Its not that. The XP for time (particularly for von) is pretty decent if you're in a good group, but putting together a good at-level 12-man group takes so long that you could've run 10 shortmanned quests in the same time. On top of that, you usually end up settling for a mediocre group just to get something started, then spend the next two hours regretting every moment.
    Some toons with Cow in the name, and some without.

  7. #27
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    I think 'hard things' (including some raids) should award a lot more XP.

    Stuff like at-level hard or elite Gianthold Tor dragons, elite Vision of Destruction, elite Cholthuzz or Cinnis wing of Litany of the Dead, Amrath above normal, and several other quests. Some of these might already be solid XP (VoD is over 1k XP/min if speedrun), but most are awful.

    ToD elite, in particular, should offer 50k+ XP - better XP/min (if you are good enough to beat it) than spending the time running Inspired Quarter normals.
    I don't have a zerging problem.

    I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.

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