If my LFM says favored soul and cleric only, it means I want a healer. I do not want a WF Fvs that goes into bladesworn transformation at the final boss of Epic Chrono.
Don't tell me that I cannot tell you how to play your character when you hit my LFM. If you don't want to be a certain party role, that's fine by me, but if I am looking for something in particular, don't hit my LFM unless you are willing to fulfill that role.
I know better than most that favored souls can be DPS, but any WF Favored Soul worth their spot in a party can also heal. If you want to be a divine fighter, but don't want to heal, ask me before applying to my LFM, play a paladin, or don't group with me. When I see a favored soul/cleric apply to my LFM, I assume they will be a healer. Adding in DPS or CC is just gravy on top.
/rant off