Today got an invite from a group "In desperate need of a cleric!" for Tear...yeah its a fun lowbie..but I am building my cleric who is now 7th. Arrived on scene most of the party flatlined...well got everyone rezzed and got myself pretty mangled in the process. Next, party is fully healed and ready to go...well toward the tail end when everyone is jumping to waterfall entrance for the final fight...I cant make the the so called leader starts screaming on the mike for me to get on up and start healing the party...well, several party members come pouring out of the entrance(3) and several fall....well, the orc pop is busy trying to stomp me into the ground...I however was prepared...lots of pots,several wands of as not to touch my sp's too much..I anticipated this was going to go south because the lack of fighters and lots of rogues and one the "leader"starts griping that I am not doing my "JOB" I told him...well how bout letting everyone else in on this I took charge of what was left...2 rogues and the sorcerer...we decided to wipe out the orc population and get to a safe spot and backtracked and picked up the optionals and punched out of ToD. But it did not end there....he gave me some grief over the I squelched him and informed him next time do your research and dont yell at the only cleric in your party who already saved your bacon....not nice....