Barbarian - Half Orc
Bard - Halfling
Cleric - Human
FvS - Drow
Fighter - Half Orc
Monk - Half Elf
Paladin - Human
Ranger - Dwarf
Rogue - Halfling
Sorcerer - Half Elf
Wizard - Warforged
Barbarian - Half Orc
Bard - Halfling
Cleric - Human
FvS - Drow
Fighter - Half Orc
Monk - Half Elf
Paladin - Human
Ranger - Dwarf
Rogue - Halfling
Sorcerer - Half Elf
Wizard - Warforged
Halflings. We are the master race. Bow before us lil orcy porky.
Barbarian = Half Orc/Warforged/Dwarf/Halfling/Human2..
Bard = Drow/Dwarf/Halfling
Cleric = Dwarf/Human
Favored Soul = Never played one
Fighter = Dwarf/Warforged/Human/Half Orc
Monk = Started a halfling didn't follow through/rerolled
Paladin = Dwarf/Human
Ranger = Elf/Drow/Dwarf
Rogue = Dwarf/Drow/Halfling
Sorcerer = Drow
Wizard = Human/Elf/Drow/Warforged
So there it is...First listed is preferred race for each class![]()
I believe in mind over matter. If I don't mind, it doesn't matter.
Sarlona! Yep, back again.
I can only comment on what classes I've played, but here goes-
Pure Cleric- Human
Clonk- Human, Halfling, Half-Elf
Melee/splashed Cleric- Human, Horc, Helf
Bard- Human, Halfling
Monk- Human, Halfling, Helf
~ Pallai, Chennai, Saraphima~
~Shipbuff, Sophalia, Northenstar ~
~ Ascent~
There are some tough choices on some classes just due to different builds needing different things.
Barbarian - Half-Orc for maximum DPS, Dwarf for more durability. Warforged is great IF they have high healing amp.
Bard - Human, for the extra feat. Bards are a feat starved class, and even Fighter splashed Warchanter's are short on feats.
Cleric - Human. Clerics are extremely feat and skill starved. Half-Elf is close behind. In addition, racial healing amp from either of those races is very nice for Radiant Servant.
Favored Soul - Human for a caster oriented build, due to the feat and skill point requirements. Warforged for melee builds due to the extremely good durability and bonuses to a good weapon type.
Fighter - Human. Fighters have very limited skill points, which makes it much harder to fit in even the basic melee skills.
Monk - Half Elf for strength builds, Halfling for dex builds. Human and Warforged work fine too.
Paladin - Human. Again, due to the extra skill and feat.
Ranger - Dwarf or Human for Tempest, Half Elf for AA.
Rogue - Human or Half Elf. Dwarf, Warforged, or Halfling are also acceptable. Basically, anything without a -CON penalty.
Sorcerer - Warforged. Self healing is just so powerful, that it's worth the loss of 1 DC and a few SP. The added survivability inherent to the Warforged race more than makes up for it.
Wizard - Warforged if going Archmage; Drow if going Pale Master. Human and Half Elf are also fine for PM's. Again, durability and self healing makes a huge difference.
i dont know about the best, but my favorite are
Barbarian - Halfling
Bard - Human
Cleric - Dwarf
Favored Soul - Elf
Fighter - Dwarf
Monk - Human
Paladin - Drow
Ranger - Dwarf
Rogue - Drow
Sorcerer - WF
Wizard - Human
To lazy to do the rest.
human for everything except Barb (Horc) and monk (halfling) sometimes half-elf for hybrid builds where a dilettante has some synergy
Fighter - Human
Paladin - Human
Barbarian - Half-Orc
Monk - Half-Elf
Sorcerer - Drow Elf
Wizard - (dont play wizards )
Favored Soul - Warforged
Cleric - ( dont play clerics )
Rogue - ( dont play rogues )
Ranger - ( dont play rangers )
Barbarian = wf for tank/horc for dps
Bard = human/drow
Cleric = human/halfing
Favored Soul = human/wf
Fighter = wf for tank/horc for dps/human
Monk = halfing/human
Paladin = drow
Ranger = elf/human
Rogue = halfing
Sorcerer = drow/human/wf
Wizard = drow/human/wf
Hey! What do you have against barbarians? other than the fact that most items cant be used when raged, or that they are literally slowly killing themselves in every fight, or that they are the most common class for making healers curl up into the fetal position under their desk and whimper.
Fighter: elf (AA and fighters get enough hp to offset con penalty imo, scimmie bonuses)
Paladin: Halfling (twf easier to qualify for, cunning, guile and companionship as well as high saves all are nice on a paladin imo)
Monk: tried one once, didn't like it. however I would say halfling if I had to make one (same reasons as above)
Barbarian: Dwarf (mainly for will saves)
Rogue: Human... feat, skill points, versatility....
Ranger: Halfling (again see above... I like cunning and guile for anything without constant aggro)
Cleric: Halfling companionship...
Wizard: Warforged... (should be obvious)
Sorc: helf (cleric dille)
Bard: Halfling companionship = more buffs! if warchanter sneak damage is nice too.
Favored soul: Warforged. (soul survivor...)
as you can see halfling is the master race.
Homer: "Marge, it takes two to lie. One to lie and one to listen."
Fighter - Half-Orc
Paladin - Human
Barbarian - Half-Orc
Monk - Half-Elf
Sorcerer - Human
Wizard - WF/Human
Favored Soul - Human/WF
Cleric - Human
Rogue - Halfling/Drow
Ranger - Half-Elf
Bard - Human, Half-Orc, Dwarf, Half-Elf.... just about anything depending on what I feel like at the time. Posted by Turbine
Barbarian- Half-Orc
Bard- Half-Orc
Cleric- Human
Favored Soul- Human
Figher- Half-Orc
Monk- Half-Orc
Paladin- Human
Sorcerer- Human
Wizard- Human
Barbarian - Orc - Orc smash!
Bard - Hafling - HC ftw
Cleric - Human - Versatile
Favored Soul - Warforged - Lotsa DR at cap
Fighter - Werewolf
Monk - Half Elf - billion healing amp
Paladin - Broccoli
Ranger - Elf with 6con - Rangers are weak so they should pick a weak race
Rogue - Halfling
Sorcerer - Drow
Wizard - Dolphin