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  1. #41
    Community Member
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    If you play a big hp, no AC class like a barbo, you should probably farm for some decent healing amp gear (which is way easier to gather than AC gear): leviks, tod ring with proper augmentation, DT armor rune, epic gloves of the claw, etc. That will enable you to play main tank on epics or ToD if no other choice is available, while at the same time won't have you wandering off your desired path, build or playstyle most of the time. If you are not tanking, however, you might as well take off your healing amp gear and put on your DPS set because, as it has been said before, chances are you will end up being overhealed.
    For tank builds, the story is IMHO different. For a tanking-oriented build, healing amp is like living very close to a hospital. No doubt it can help you stay alive, but it's not the same than being healthy.
    For non-epic content, my priorities -for a tank- stand like this: AC, hp, saves/DR, and healing amp. Being hit 1 out of 20 times is too good to ignore, provided your build can hit that milestone -and- you have enough hp to endure that roll of 1 against disintegrate.
    This doesn't mean AC tanks shouldn't farm for healing amp because on epics AC is -sadly- of little use.

  2. #42
    Community Member Jaid314's Avatar
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    personally, i like having high healing amp on all of my melees, as good as i can get it. but then, i tend to run in a lot of BYOH groups, so it changes my perspective i'm sure...

  3. #43
    Community Member bruha118's Avatar
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    If someone can please correct me if im wrong (in a nice matter plz), but i don't fully understand the math behind amp, so i been judging it off the spirit binders in taverns and just saying whatever they heal me for is my amp (heard this from a little birdie). not sure if this correct but my wf tank gets healed for 151 or 161(cant remember which) from spirit binder and my horc monk gets 261 or 281, 1 of those 2...confirmation would be appreciated...thx
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  4. #44
    Community Member TheDearLeader's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bruha118 View Post
    If someone can please correct me if im wrong (in a nice matter plz), but i don't fully understand the math behind amp, so i been judging it off the spirit binders in taverns and just saying whatever they heal me for is my amp (heard this from a little birdie). not sure if this correct but my wf tank gets healed for 151 or 161(cant remember which) from spirit binder and my horc monk gets 261 or 281, 1 of those 2...confirmation would be appreciated...thx
    Quote Originally Posted by TheDearLeader View Post
    It works as defined Here.
    Ah, don't often get to quote myself in the same thread.... huh.

  5. #45
    Community Member seskie1's Avatar
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    Me and my guildies put a lot of emphasis on heal amp, which includes Paladin past lives and DT with heal amp runes and heal amp slotted in our TOD rings, but we also keep in mind what we sacrafice for the heal amp and most of the times its dps.
    On singh I have paladin past life, guman heal amp and ring slotted had DT but switched in epic maralith chain, on sohni I have ring slotted used to be dt but switching in marilith chain and on my cleric fvs i have human amp.

    I really do apreciate heal amp when i'm healing on cleric and fvs but I'd rather they have less heal amp but massive dps because faster completion = less consumption of resources as well.
    The Coolest Person On Orien, I’m a Melee DPS User, Find me On Thorrygg, Thorrwyn, Gorrwyk, Harlophas and Lowharm! I love running all the Content of this Game and Look Forward to being friends with you all, I do not tolerate people badmouthing others or hindering the experience of any new Players in this Game, I will help where I can and When I can. ????

  6. #46
    Community Member Thrann's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dracey View Post
    This question is primarily for the Sarlona community, Please identify your server if you are not from Sarlona.

    What is your perspective on the significance or insignificance of having healing amplification on a character?

    I don't want responses to be influenced by the original post, so I'll express my biased opinions late in the thread
    Oh the love of amp.Been a big fan on this one for a long time now.Really changes on how you can play this game.I got a pure monk that sits around 400% and i use lesser vamp hand wraps a lot and gets 4hp a tic and a human Tr barb that will be around 250-260% when i cap that chugs silverflame pots like its his job...With all the gear and past lifes you can get alot of amp,more was then one to get it now.everyone should have some..anything better then nothing.
    Yea its cool it see the big heals and 99% it is overkill but with healing amp can really change on how you heal that build.clr with aura i feel is a huge combo with a amp toon.Nice when i main tank on my monk and the clr can go afk and stand next to me with the aura and get up to 280ish a crit tic, or able to main tank on my barb without a healer just using silverflame pots or have a bard scroll heal stuff like that can help a party out alot in a quest.Vampirism and lesser are another good thing to have/use with a amp toon..Any tic of a heal back better then the damage you take i feel...

    One thing i like to see,is when you do get a healer with your healing amp toon,is how they work with you and your healing amp.Just sucks for all that work to see that clr just spam them mass heals for 10k on you

    Guild leader of Soulless


  7. #47
    Community Member k1ngp1n's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by seskie1 View Post
    Me and my guildies put a lot of emphasis on heal amp, which includes Paladin past lives and DT with heal amp runes and heal amp slotted in our TOD rings, but we also keep in mind what we sacrafice for the heal amp and most of the times its dps.
    On singh I have paladin past life, guman heal amp and ring slotted had DT but switched in epic maralith chain, on sohni I have ring slotted used to be dt but switching in marilith chain and on my cleric fvs i have human amp.

    I really do apreciate heal amp when i'm healing on cleric and fvs but I'd rather they have less heal amp but massive dps because faster completion = less consumption of resources as well.
    We do use a lot of amp, don't we?

    I roll a 10% and a 20% on my ranger for when she's hate tanking horoth or the abishai or something else that she tends to tank (which is basically everything but Sully, now that I think about it). Also for self healing via max'd CSW. My monk also runs a hefty amount of amp. My other characters don't use as much since I tend to build piles of self healing in already - my sorc will load out amp when I decide I don't want her to suck anymore, and my pally will eventually get something (maybe [possibly {probably not}]).

    Everyone should load amp - just a little at least. Helps a lot during the ole emergency omfg hjeal scrolls are flying situations.
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  8. #48
    Community Member Thrann's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bruha118 View Post
    If someone can please correct me if im wrong (in a nice matter plz), but i don't fully understand the math behind amp, so i been judging it off the spirit binders in taverns and just saying whatever they heal me for is my amp (heard this from a little birdie). not sure if this correct but my wf tank gets healed for 151 or 161(cant remember which) from spirit binder and my horc monk gets 261 or 281, 1 of those 2...confirmation would be appreciated...thx
    easy way is just to use unyielding sovereignty,its a set 1k heal

    Guild leader of Soulless


  9. #49
    Community Member destiny4405's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AMDarkwolf View Post
    But really. Heal amp for Atma (and the current Malicai, the failed, horrible, ugh i hate playing monks now but i digress) is great. Its wonderful to walk into MOST(not all, I get buttraped pretty fast if there's 'additional' damage i can't avoid, spells, etc) elites/epics and out heal the incoming damage JUST from my own melee attacks.

    No its not ALL there is to the build but its a GREAT deal why the build 'works' in almost any situation.

    Its also great when someone slinging a CSW wand can keep me up forever, or when I can duck around a corner and drink a pot to recover 120hp, or (LOL) when a silver flame pot 'over' heals me for 920+ hp :P

    It (along with ninjafade) has really changed the game for me, and since i find it hard to play any other build(Part of the reason why mali's been sitting on the backburner for so long)
    Jesus saves. Everyone else rounds to nearest 5%.

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  10. #50
    Hero LordPiglet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grodon9999 View Post
    You forgot the most important piece of gear needed to make a WF melee not suck . . .

    A True Heart of Wood!
    I'd like to admit, I seriously hate running my WF Barb.

    My WF FvS is completely different since he's far more self sufficent.

  11. #51
    Founder Lifespawn's Avatar
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    brollie my 700hp 12 monk 6 pally 2 ftr can cure light wounds himself for 120 use Fol for 355 max drink a pot for 100-140 and gets healed by a toon with scroll mastery for around 600.

    The amp makes a huge difference every time i main tank with him the healers exclaim how easy the raid was.
    Quote Originally Posted by MadFloyd View Post
    Fernando has yet to even suggest a nerf of anything.
    Oh and by the way (referring to your sig), we aren't nerfing the Torc.

  12. #52
    Community Member nolaureltree000's Avatar
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    HA is a great addition to any toon and pretty essential on WF. i wouldnt build a toon anymore without a fair bit of HA; it just makes questing go a whole lot more smoothly. sometimes when **** hits the fan, every little bit of HP and every little bit of extra HP per heal helps immensely.

  13. #53
    Community Member Kourier's Avatar
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    Could always use more on my characters - I just learned the joys of vampiric weapons and need more amp so I get healed for 2 hp instead of 1.

  14. #54
    Founder vyvy3369's Avatar
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    It depends on how survivable your character is. Not taking damage in the first place is more important than healing amp, but that isn't always possible. Ideally you should find a balance between the two, where you can avoid damage wherever possible, and where not possible have at least decent healing amplification. A lot of that can be accomplished via item swaps too - for example, I used to carry Levik's Bracers in addition to Chaosgarde, and a Pos GS weapon with Holy/PGB/30% to switch around as needed - lose ~6 AC, but gain a lot of healing amp.
    Quote Originally Posted by vyvy3369 View Post
    "Fortune and glory, kid. Fortune and glory.
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  15. #55
    Community Member moops's Avatar
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    AS someone with 4 healers as their main alts--LOVE it!

    It allows a group to not take an hour to form, and for many solutions should something go wrong.

    Items don't work with scrolls--A tank with Amp gives me the option just be a single healer in tod/vod because I can use scrolls and save my sp in case something goes wrong. Or I can heal the tanks on my bard, Or I can also single heal raids with my bard, which works even better if people have an amp set that they can switch to.

    Mass heal should not be used as an excuse to do whatever one wants with their alt. I was in a very painful eCHRONO with a bunch of non evasion Half Orcs with a gaZILLION hp and WF barbs all frenzied--I swear their HP lines barely moved--3 healers could not keep them up, many pots were used. Also, not all divine builds have room for Empowered healing--so mass heal and heal hit for lower numbers.

    My FVS healed a half Orc Horoth tank recently and had a crazy hard time since she can only carry heal and cure serious and scrolls for single target healing--this half orc took so much damage and had not one lick of amp, cure serious with empower heal, max and empowered did nothing, a scroll hit for 140ish I think with my own wand/scroll mastery enhancements. I blew through 2600sp, bauble, viles, and 5 pots, and tank came very close to dying quite a few times.

    Both my ranger and fighter have taken over on healing a main tank in TOD with another scroll user in the group when the healer has gotten banished or DC'd--luckily every time this happened the tank had amp so our scrolls hit for more than 110.
    Hexxa CLR 25 *TR* * ~Hexanna ~*TR* FVS 25 * Hexecuter CLR 20 *Flexanna RGR/R/M 18/1/1 *TR* * Flexa FTR/R 18/2 TR * Hextravaganz Bard *TR* 18/2 * Hexotic Sorc 13 * Hexquisite Wiz 23 * ~~Quantum Entropy * SARLONA~~ - * and various other scoundrels

  16. #56
    Community Member rodallec's Avatar
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    Best discussion outside of a drama thread here for sure
    We all know every extra bit of amp takes from dps right?!
    Fvs capstone for 300+ and heal scrolls over 550 help resources etc
    Epic deep end fight without a healer is made possible with heal amp

  17. #57
    Community Member Emag's Avatar
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    The main thing with healing amp is not gimping your dips. Once you do that, you've gone too far. Find the right mix of both.

    But none the less, have at least some.
    Soulless or Die.

  18. #58
    Community Member moops's Avatar
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    But, how much DPS do we really need?

    I had the best run of TOD recently on my Gimp Battle cleric with 16lvls, no mass heal, and 1500SP, and another gimp cleric with 12 LvLs and I think 900 sp. Everyone pulled together as a group and played as a team, people wore resist items or rangers passed it out, the barbs didnt frenzy, people watched not to steal aggro in part 3, and neither one of us used all our SP or any pots. The run was smooth and fast.

    For as much as people talk about Max DPS saving time, they still will spend time overbuffing--so perhaps maybe part 3 takes 1 min longer to use an AC tank or Amp tank--but I bet that same group that used an AC tank or amp tank didn't buff at the shrine, and then buff again when stepping in and b4 starting the movie. this example can be used for just about all raids.

    I keep seeing people talk of more DPS less resources, but that has not been my experience, I've seen that fail in even the best of guild raids that I have been invited to, because as soon as one thing goes wrong, hardly anyone is self sufficient, other people who can pitch in on healing are useless because no one has amp or even fire 20 pots, etc. . .AND PUG HEALERS dont seem to carry pots or scrolls. There are some popular guilds and even some friends that I avoid bringing my healers into their raids because they are so darn expensive to heal on their triple TR max DPS alts. . .let them use their own healers.

    Epic EDA is the only place I can think of where melee should have at least decent DPS.
    Last edited by moops; 06-06-2011 at 10:54 PM.
    Hexxa CLR 25 *TR* * ~Hexanna ~*TR* FVS 25 * Hexecuter CLR 20 *Flexanna RGR/R/M 18/1/1 *TR* * Flexa FTR/R 18/2 TR * Hextravaganz Bard *TR* 18/2 * Hexotic Sorc 13 * Hexquisite Wiz 23 * ~~Quantum Entropy * SARLONA~~ - * and various other scoundrels

  19. #59
    Community Member Quikster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by moops View Post
    But, how much DPS do we really need?

    I had the best run of TOD recently on my Gimp Battle cleric with 16lvls, no mass heal, and 1500SP, and another gimp cleric with 12 LvLs and I think 900 sp. Everyone pulled together as a group and played as a team, people wore resist items or rangers passed it out, the barbs didnt frenzy, people watched not to steal aggro in part 3, and neither one of us used all our SP or any pots. The run was smooth and fast.

    For as much as people talk about Max DPS saving time, they still will spend time overbuffing--so perhaps maybe part 3 takes 1 min longer to use an AC tank or Amp tank--but I bet that same group that used an AC tank or amp tank didn't buff at the shrine, and then buff again when stepping in and b4 starting the movie. this example can be used for just about all raids.

    I keep seeing people talk of more DPS less resources, but that has not been my experience, I've seen that fail in even the best of guild raids that I have been invited to, because as soon as one thing goes wrong, hardly anyone is self sufficient, other people who can pitch in on healing are useless because no one has amp or even fire 20 pots, etc. . .AND PUG HEALERS dont seem to carry pots or scrolls. There are some popular guilds and even some friends that I avoid bringing my healers into their raids because they are so darn expensive to heal on their triple TR max DPS alts. . .let them use their own healers.

    Epic EDA is the only place I can think of where melee should have at least decent DPS.
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  20. #60
    Halfling Hero phalaeo's Avatar
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    Guys- healing amp is not as important if you are getting healed/Mass healed. Where it does come into major play is when you are taking a ton of damage and are being healed via scroll or a combo of scrolling and blue bar healing.

    There are times where you can't use JUST Heal/Mass Heal in a raid healing situation. There are cooldowns- smart healers or healers who want to conserve SP will alternate scrolls and whatever other cures they may have off timer.

    In my opinion, it's just silly to not take some form of HA, unless there's absolutely, totally no way to fit it into your build. Even my Clerics have healing amp-- at the very least, I'd suggest having an item to swap in, such as Levik's or a Finger Necklace when really needed.
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