Well, I mainly play a cleric and I am not satisfied with my doing.
To much ding in my party. Nobody even suggest that it could be my fault, but I think I could do better.
I am talking about a static group about 5-7th level. Certainly some squishy toons there. But that is not the question here. If somebody dies in a trap or after 2 hits, well... thats another problem.
I think is more a question of my personal real life dexterity, and some lack of strategy.
First problem, that bothers me a lot:
As a radiant servant I, with maximize, I felt quite confident to keep everybody alive.
Then it happens every time. I had selected some toon of the party, and left it like that. The time comes that I want to push the healing burst. Nothing happens. Panik. Then I realize I have somebody selected. Deselect. Healing burst. Too late. Some advice, tricks ? How you deselect fast? I do it by rightclicking somewhere.
Second problem: I get hurt, badly. Then I think, if I die, other of the party may die also. So I try to run away from pain. I think is not a good strategy. What do you do, usually, when you get hurt and you can imagine that in 3-4 seconds you could be dead? Just stay the ground and cast healings like crazy?
Third problem / advice: Clumsy with the mouse. I usually select a party member pushing F2, F3 and so on. Then, usually I use the mouse for clicking the healing. Pushing the number 3, or 8 or 9, would be quite faster I guess.
Do you usually toggle with Ctrl + 1,2,3 and so, or you have some uber setting of your keyboard keys?
Thank you for the advice!!