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Epic Boots of the Mire: Boots, Balance 15, Underwater Action
Suggested Changes:
The boots need a compelling reason to wear them, regardless of the set bonus. Add Crippling immunity to the boots
Change the icon on these boots so they don't look similar to Boots of Anchoring.
Agreed. I especially like the Crippling Immunity. Also, add the 30% Striding you mention in the set bonus section.
Add green or yellow slot.
Epic Ring of the Mire: Ring, Greater Spearblock, Epic Fort Save +3, Earthen Guard
Epic Fort Save +3 is lackluster when you consider how much focus is given to CON for every reasonably built character, even casters.
I don't think this is irrelevant, per se, as there are still plenty of places where characters are failing important Fort saves (Abbot, Epic Wiz King, others).
Earthen Guard is a nice effect, but found on other more desirable items.
Which are? I think this is a good place for this.
Suggested Changes:
Upgrade Greater Spearblock to Epic Spearblock (DR 20/piercing).
Given how useful DR 10 has been, I think jumping to DR 20 might be a bit much. I think it's okay as-is; it's already a somewhat desired item, if only as a swappable for Torcing situations and the like.
Add yellow slot.
Greater Marshwalker Set: Ring and Boots of the Mire, 30% striding, +15 jump
Suggested Changes:
With what you have to give up to wear this set, I'd like to see 30% Striding replaced with 10% exceptional Striding. Move the 30% Striding to the boots.
I like this idea.
Jump should be replaced with Tumble. The competence bonus should be increased to +20. Even with a Tumble spell, that's only 30 Tumble which is still just a novelty for someone with zero ranks in the skill. Someone will full ranks could manage a Tumble in the 60s. Still mostly a novelty, but it's cool.
Not bad, but I think it will be even less useful than the Jump.
I'd like to see this get 3 clickies of Dance of the Water Strider as per the Ninja Spy II ability. This becomes situationally useful for Abbot, LoB and a few other places, and a nifty toy to just play around with (assuming the devs will eventually fix the ability in most places).
Epic Bracers of the Claw: Bracers, Exceptional Con +2, Heavy Fortification
Suggested Changes:
No changes. This item solid, even without the set bonus.
Add a colorless slot to these, maybe a yellow.
Epic Gloves of the Claw : Gloves, Healing Amp 30%, Str 6, Intimidate 5 (enhancement bonus)
Suggested Changes:
No changes.
Add a colorless slot to these.
Greater Vulkoor’s Might Set: Gloves and Bracers of the Claw, +4 damage, +20% threat
Suggested Changed:
No changes needed. The Epic Claw set is the reason for melee characters to buy the Red Fens pack.
Epic Elder’s Focus: Necklace, Archmagi, Efficient Metamagic Extend II, Illusion Focus
Archmagi is something every divine and arcane caster wants, but it's found on many different items.
Efficient Metamagic Extend II was alot more desirable before offensive spells were nerfed to not be affected by Extend.
Pragmatically speaking, Illusion Focus is only useful for Phantasmal Killer. It's also easily accommodated in a yellow augment slot if you really want the effect.
Suggested Changes:
Archmagi isn't special anymore, and is available in several places on epic gear (and many more slots for non-epic). Consider upgrading this to Wizardry IX or Wizardry X, which will make every caster want it, even if it's just to swap in temporarily before a shrine for small SP boost over Archmagi.
Don't think this is needed. Yes, Archmagi can be found elsewhere, but I see this as being an option for a place to slot it, rather than necessarily having to out-do those other items.
Replace Efficient Metamagic Extend II with Efficient Metamagic Heighten II (which doesn't exist on any items currently; should be -2 SP per Heightened spell). Many arcanes and some divines have dropped Extend altogether. The SP savings won't match the SP gain from Torc, but it may be enough with the other effects to keep this worn by some wizards and sorcerers.
Heighten II is excessive. Heighten I would probably be reasonable. As it is, many wizards are casting Heightened spells for +2 SP/level of increase, and this would completely remove the cost of the feat.
I'd actually like to see this keep Efficient Extend and gain Efficient, Quicken II, and Enlarge II.
Add an effect similar to Turn the Page from Litany of the Dead.
Greater Focus (+2 DC) should be the minimum focus level for all epic items, since +1 DC is easily accommodated through a yellow augment slot. So this should minimally be Greater Illusion Focus, and you should consider making this Epic Illusion Focus so arcanes desire to wear it full time for Phantasmal Killer.
Does anyone bother with PK at level 20? I'd rather this get removed and have Greater Spell Focus Mastery added to the set bonus (competes with Epic Staff of Inner Sight). Otherwise agree that epic items should have, at minimum, +2 DCs, and +3 DCs on some otherwise lackluster stuff.
Add a green slot.
Really, though, this items needs to be INCREDIBLE to compete with the Torc, which is unfortunate, but true.
Epic Elder’s Cap: Helm, Int 6, Concentration 15, Greater Enchantment Focus
Concentration +15 is not desired by Wizards (who will have Quicken on all the time); only by sorcerers and those casting Heal scrolls.
Disagree. Wizards use scrolls, too, and leaving Quicken on all the time can be expensive, and is often unnecessary (at least for all spells, post spell pass, which this thread predates).
Greater Enchantment Focus is still useful, even with the autocrit changes to Hold spells.
Suggested Changes:
Upgrade Int to +7. Epic items deserve epic stats. +7 Int is actually tough to fit in: either a robe (lots of contention), or Staff of Inner Sight (again, lots of contention). That change alone would make this more desirable to Wizards.
Replace Concentration +15 with Efficient Metamagic - Quicken II. Epic mobs do way too much damage to rely on Concentration.
Splitting the Efficient Metas between the two items seems reasonable.
Add a yellow slot.
Greater Elder’s Knowledge: Epic Elder’s Cap and Focus, +6% chance to crit and .50 multiplier to Elemental spells
Suggested Changes:
No changes needed. Considering wizards would rather wear Lion-headed Belt Buckle for the Shaken effect, I think this set bonus is reasonable because of the slots it occupies (only if the necklace and cap are improved as detailed above). Asking for Major Lore (9% crit) would only be self serving.
Given that it requires wearing two items, I'd be okay with seeing this gain Major Lore.
Epic Necklace of Venom: Necklace, Superior False Life, Protection +5, Proof against Poison
Suggested Changes:
Upgrade Protection to +6. Epic items, epic protection.
Agreed, though this set seems to be aiming in the opposite direction of AC (threat reduction). I'd rather see this get reworked. Keep the Poison Immunity and SFL. Add something...venomy. Besides, if you're looking at AC, this competes with the Siren's Charm set from the same pack, which does more for AC than this does.
Add a yellow slot.
Maybe add +2 Exceptional Dex?
Epic Ring of Venom: Ring, Sneak Attack 4, Dex 6
Suggested Changes:
Upgrade Sneak Attack to +5 at a minimum, so this can replace Tharnes Goggles. Consider upgrading this to Sneak Attack +6. Epic mobs do have higher AC and HP than non-epic, so the extra to-hit and to-damage from SA+6 would be welcomed.
Sounds reasonable. Having it just be SA +5 would also be reasonable with the set bonus adding more.
Upgrade Dexterity to +7 (like the Epic Ring of the Buccaneer). Epic items should have epic stats.
Add a yellow or green slot.
Greater Vulkoor’s Cunning: Epic Ring and Necklace of Venom, -20% threat, Vulkorim poison on vorpal.
Replace the Vulkorim Poison on Vorpal with an exceptional Sneak Attack Bonus +1 hit/+2 damage.
Give it the full Exceptional SA +3 from Ring of the Stalker
Epic Raven’s Sight: Goggles, Exceptional Wis +2, Epic Will Save +3, True Seeing
Suggested Changes:
The item needs something to make it compelling without the set bonus. Perhaps +3 exceptional to-hit bonus?
Nah, the set bonus covers this.
Give these a colorless slot and +15 Spot.
Epic Raven’s Talons: Gloves, Dex 6, Bluff 15
Suggested Changes:
Upgrade Dexterity to +7. Epic items deserve epic stats.
Upgrade Bluff +15 to Bluff +20. Epic items deserve epic skill bonuses.
Change this to Improved Deception.
Even with those two changes, it's still lackluster. I'd like to see Slicing added to the gloves, which is similar to Spike-Studded for the Epic Brawling Gloves. It fits the flavor of the item, too (talons).
That sounds good.
Add a yellow slot.
Greater Raven’s Eye: Epic Raven’s Talons and Sight, +4 to-hit, +3 stacking spot and search
Suggested Changes:
Nothing, as long as Epic Gem of Many Facets is being changed to allow either item to count towards the set bonus.
Change the set bonus to +5 enhancement to Spot and Search.
Epic Sacred Band: Ring, Wis +6, Sacred
Suggested Changes:
Upgrade Wisdom to +7. Epic items deserve epic stats. The game is desperate for another Wisdom +7 item, as the only other one is the Epic Helm of the Mroronan.
Replace Sacred with +2 sacred Wisdom bonus. Yes, that means it will stack with +1 exceptional, +2 exceptional and +1 profane (from Litany of the Dead). That's ~28 mana for a cleric, +1 DC for a cleric and favored soul (most monks won't wear this, due to the burst on ToD rings).
I'd rather see this on the set bonus. Making this +7 Wis will already make this item highly valued. It doesn't need to be a +9 item.
Add a green slot. Add Extra Turning to this, granting +4 Turn Undead uses/rest ONLY IF THE BUG ASSOCIATED WITH THESE ITEMS GETS FIXED.
Epic Sacred Helm: Helm, Deathblock, Radiance Guard, Eternal Faith
Suggested Changes:
Change Radiance Guard to apply the Radiance proc to your melee weapons. Non-clerics might wear this item just for this ability, but it conflicts with other popular melee helms (Red Dragon, Helm of Frost for 3pc Abishai).
Replace Eternal Faith with a Superior Radiance IX clicky effect (last 3-minutes, 75% damage to light spells).
I say give the item Epic Radiance IX, similar to the Ring of Elemental Essence.
Add a yellow slot.
Greater Divine Blessing: Epic Sacred Ring and Helm, Greater Devotion VIII
Suggested Change:
At the very least, upgrade the bonus to Superior Devotion VIII so it's an improvement over unlocked ToD rings.
Maybe Greater Devotion IX instead?
Additionally, I would add Greater Lore to this item that affects positive, light and alignment spells (similar to the Elder's set bonus for wizards). If a 0.25 crit multiplier for positive, light and alignment spells were added, it wouldn't be unreasonable.