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  1. #21
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GotSomeQuestions View Post
    I've noticed that as well, with one exception: whenever there's a Mystical (object) in the end reward, there are several essence stacks as well. That basically limits you to Vale/Orchard quests; Running and Temple are both reasonably fast although not ideal.
    Red fens has those thingies, and is much faster since the quest givers are closer to the quests.. But never seen any essences from the end rewards.

  2. #22
    Community Member grodon9999's Avatar
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    Been zerging Sins as fast as possible. Soloable with 5 chests pays off decent enough. Thinking hard/elite Gen point might be worth it for the extra chests but you can't solo it.

  3. #23
    Community Member sweez's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Junts View Post

    Sins 12m runs: 5chest+ end reward. These times vary depending where the chests are, early locatios are faster
    Yeah Sins make a great loot run, what with the chance of getting larges and keepsakes as well as vendor trash. Best time I ever got with all optional chests on a FvS was 10 minutes, I'm at around 15 minutes on my wiz life but there's much room for improvement, since I'm a wizard newbie.
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  4. #24
    Founder Palantyr's Avatar
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    I‘ve been running all kinds of quests interspersed with running the daily epic/raids, some quests using two accounts to make an acceptable chest per minute ratio. Some of the ones that stick out. IQ: Mining, Shipwreck, dream conspiracy w/ puzzle, and I really wish I could convince some folks to run demon’s den but that quest seems to have a stigma. Amrath: sins & entrance explorer area (2 orthons & clay golem chests drop 2 items per person), also new invasion if I’ve managed to dry up other quests (kind of need to know layouts for this to be quick tho). Vale explorer area is easily 1 chest per 2 min with a caster, also reaver’s refuge explorers can be fast. I tried orchard but found it a bit too long and the deconstruction not so hot for time it took. Lordsmarch quests on elite are pretty quick with decent deconing loot the first 4-5 times, with the exception of the mine laying one. Delirium can be done quickly, I wouldn’t bother with drinking game just kill the beholders.

    Also, actually looting chests while I was leveling up a TR was a significant amount of loot. Finding the time to deconstruct however, had to sneak that in.

  5. #25
    Community Member TPICKRELL's Avatar
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    #1 By far is IQ Solo quest, most of the items used to be vendor trash, but are very good for decon. In a ransack cycle that takes about an hour for a toon, I've generally pulled 75-100 greater essences in direct chest drops plus 35-40 solid level4/5 decon items. I also do this on my monks first, as you can get some really decent handwraps here (best so far are +2 Holy GEOB on my light monk).

    #2 Shroud

    A bunch of others pretty close together. Genesis Point isn't bad with a good group, Value Slayer loot runs tend to net a reasonable number of chests per time.

    I tend to sneak in loot runs while waiting for my wife to get ready in the mornings. I can't do group quests because completion time is unpredictable. But I can sneak in IQ Solo quests since I'm never more than 5 or so minutes from a completion.
    Khyber -- Grubbby, Grubonon, Gralak, and all the gang of *grubs* in the Homeboys of Stormreach.

  6. #26
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Tried some tear of dhakaan on my 20 barb to see ..

    Too low lvl..Not very good:

    Think it has up to 13 chests, sure thats a ton.. But none really have any high essence lvl stuff. and some require you to waste some extra time running down optional corridors.
    First run: 8 chests.. didnt check optionals tho:
    only 1 chest with essences, - 7 arcane
    most of the other chests had just plain +2/3 wep/armor.. no essences there
    a couple tier2-3 things
    end reward pretty bad: tier2 max.. dagger with shattermantle.

    2nd run - 10 chests - checked optionals:
    again just 1 chest with esssence - 4 air
    other chests sucked again
    end reward just as bad, was like all +2/3/4 plain stuff, nothing with good pref/suffix

    Also tried mired in kobolds, did about 7 runs.. Found it to be very good actually.
    Since its lvl15 on elite, it has guild renown for 20s too. (think max of 5 lvls for getting guild renown, got a few 500/1000s too.. Tho end reward was devoid of any, it popd in the chests)
    optimal run was about 9 chests in 8min (7min completion and 1 min for dragon)
    and each chest was quite good, most essences ive seen in any quest actually..
    About 50% of the chests had essence, generally 6-12, average 9. epic seems to be in the 15-35 range, so not too far behind.

    Think the big black chest taht drops scales is also double loot, so basiclly worth 2 chests.. equiv to 10 chests per run.

    loot was mostly good lvl3-5 essence stuff, ml8-14 range, tho occosonally the optional chest would just give me some uselesss +5 plain thing.

    Droprates on the scales seemed rather poor. I got none, tho think we saw 3.. most runs had 6 ppl, so 6x7 = 3 in 42 loots
    Blood of dragons has a high droprate, we got one nearly every run, and it since its BTC and only works for a few classes, thats a rather easy spot to get em.

    So yea that quest seems rather optimal.. I mean epic loot tables arent even much higher, got some ml10-12 **** in epics today.

    end reward for it sucks tho, 2-4 items ml10-12.... think its bugged.

    Shipwrecked cove maybe better, ill have to try that.. tho tougher to do on elite without puggers killing themselves in traps. (tho they managed it in mired in kobolds often too heh)

    eh either way im nearly there.. got somewhere in the 15k+ range for divine essences, so that might be enough to get me somewhere near the sweet spot tonight.
    Last edited by Shade; 06-06-2011 at 10:49 PM.

  7. #27
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Only recommended if you still want items from it and have a few discs from TRing toons, but elite Mindsunder with optional has a +1 loot, double loot end chest, and can be done very fast.

    Still can't match the Dreaming Dark ones.
    I don't have a zerging problem.

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  8. #28
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweez View Post
    Yeah Sins make a great loot run, what with the chance of getting larges and keepsakes as well as vendor trash. Best time I ever got with all optional chests on a FvS was 10 minutes, I'm at around 15 minutes on my wiz life but there's much room for improvement, since I'm a wizard newbie.
    eh as fast as sins is, for this purpose it doesn't seem ideal.

    Sure maybe some very lucky runs are in the 10-15min range completion time wise.

    But the quest itself, is rather far away from the deconstruction altar. Several minutes of running at least.. and I can generally only free up 2 pack slots for loots, so just a few runs before im full. Leads to a lot of extra lost time. Guess if I was also into the extra ingredients i might lootrun it.. but not really, i kinda prefer a daily epic DA for those.

    My fav way to run sins.. is on elite with as many very squishy puggers as i can find. I love to see how many times I can get them killed before they give up lol. Just sprint boost in and all the devils teleport away to the party.. hahaha.
    Also gota love the final optional hallway to the right.. I have a named for it:
    "The hallway of many deaths"
    Never made it thru there without getting at least a couple ppl sliced up in the axe traps =)

  9. #29
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    Only recommended if you still want items from it and have a few discs from TRing toons, but elite Mindsunder with optional has a +1 loot, double loot end chest, and can be done very fast.

    Still can't match the Dreaming Dark ones.
    yea mindsunders good.. But i think its only worth it if you got discs, and those run out quick, and pugger never have the right discs.

    I try to at least ransack it each tr life, as its also decent xp and good favor to run the other quests for discs.

    tho yea the end chest maybe very high end loot table, the little free start chest is like negative loot table, so it just evens out.

    Not sure about dreaming dark ones other then solo one mentioned. I think IQ - shipwrecked spy is best out of those?
    I mean sure mining for ancient secrst is awesome xp.. 5-7 min.. But its only 1 chests, maybe 2 if your rather lucky and get that named skeleton, but he never spawns for me, and if he does, it seems like the runs take much longer since he takes a while to kill.
    1 chest in 5min doesnt really come close to 9 chests in 8 min, even if that chest is a few levels higher. tho again like mindsunder, worth running for the xp if your not capped.
    Last edited by Shade; 06-06-2011 at 11:12 PM.

  10. #30
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
    yea mindsunders good.. But i think its only worth it if you got discs, and those run out quick, and pugger never have the right discs.

    I try to at least ransack it each tr life, as its also decent xp and good favor to run the other quests for discs.

    tho yea the end chest maybe very high end loot table, the little free start chest is like negative loot table, so it just evens out.

    Not sure about dreaming dark ones other then solo one mentioned. I think IQ - shipwrecked spy is best out of those?
    I mean sure mining for ancient secrst is awesome xp.. 5-7 min.. But its only 1 chests, maybe 2 if your rather lucky and get that named skeleton, but he never spawns for me, and if he does, it seems like the runs take much longer since he takes a while to kill.
    1 chest in 5min doesnt really come close to 9 chests in 8 min, even if that chest is a few levels higher. tho again like mindsunder, worth running for the xp if your not capped.
    Mining is good because you can occasionally really hit the jackpot on a high level end reward. It's a lot faster than 5-7 min too.

    95-98% of runs, you get one chest plus one item on the end reward that disenchants as +5.

    2-5% of runs, you get something better (maybe a +6 stat ring with a medium augment, maybe a +2 tome, maybe mid-range +10 stunning wraps) that trades for ~250 essences.
    I don't have a zerging problem.

    I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.

  11. #31
    Community Member Nick_RC's Avatar
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    Elite demons den with a pro team. 5min run awesome renown + 7(?) chests for loot. This is what we run when we want to renown farm.

    Last edited by nick_robinsonchia; 06-07-2011 at 12:11 AM.
    GROAN-1 (Melee/Casting Horc FVS)

  12. #32
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    Mining is good because you can occasionally really hit the jackpot on a high level end reward. It's a lot faster than 5-7 min too.
    mmm.. lets see ur screenshot of a 3min elite run. or even norm. lot faster, pfft. I know the max speedrun may be 1-2min faster, since i was talking more realistic runs without 6 really skilled zergers and 1-2min is "a lot"... but as an average pug, nah. 5-7 is correct for a decent elite run.
    And that really requires me/you/any 1 good player to do the brunt of the work, while the others may contibute some small amount. 6 rather average players youd be looking at 7-10min.

    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    95-98% of runs, you get one chest plus one item on the end reward that disenchants as +5.

    2-5% of runs, you get something better (maybe a +6 stat ring with a medium augment, maybe a +2 tome, maybe mid-range +10 stunning wraps) that trades for ~250 essences.
    dont really care about random loot long as it deconstructs well, and while this loot may be slightly better then the lvl15 mired in kobolds, its not that much better. Not worth the effort to try to sell except for the ultra rare stuff that i definetely dont get 2-5%. tomes are good to sell, but I don't know about that droprate, id put them more at 1%.

    Sure a quick end reward is useful, but that just makes it more like 2 chests/5min, or 1/2.5 min.. still a far cry from 1.1 per min.
    Last edited by Shade; 06-07-2011 at 12:21 AM.

  13. #33
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nick_robinsonchia View Post
    Elite demons den with a pro team. 5min run awesome renown + 7(?) chests for loot. This is what we run when we want to renown farm.

    hehe yea but other then your guild and a few other skilled players on khyber, who can manage those times.. Tough ass quest (well to do fast.. easy enough if done slow)

    I like the quest tho, too bad it didn't have some unique loot or something to make it more popular, to get strong groups like that more often.

    ps: 5 end chests.
    +1 sometimes near the east shrine.

  14. #34
    Founder Matuse's Avatar
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    I dunno, I kinda think level has more to do with it then most think.
    I think it has basically nothing to do with it. Patch notes notwithstanding. I'm getting 4 lesser essences off of a ML16 item, just as I do with an ML2 item.

    Like Junts mentioned, doing quests when capped never gets your essences in end rewards
    I get them listed all the the right packs. Orchard and Vale quests have greater essences in the end reward list all the time. And not just when there's an urn/broccoli on the list.

    I've also realized that taking the essence reward is a bad deal. You're far better off grabbing the highest modifier random item. You'll get slightly fewer greater essences, but a lot more lessers, which can be the real bottleneck.
    Kobold sentient jewel still hate you.

  15. #35
    Community Member Junts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matuse View Post
    I think it has basically nothing to do with it. Patch notes notwithstanding. I'm getting 4 lesser essences off of a ML16 item, just as I do with an ML2 item.

    I get them listed all the the right packs. Orchard and Vale quests have greater essences in the end reward list all the time. And not just when there's an urn/broccoli on the list.

    I've also realized that taking the essence reward is a bad deal. You're far better off grabbing the highest modifier random item. You'll get slightly fewer greater essences, but a lot more lessers, which can be the real bottleneck.
    No there is definitely a bonus. Its most notable with lv 5 effects. When I decon a lv 8 deathblock robe, I get 30-35 lesser essences. When I do a lv 18 deathblock robe, I've recieved as many as 49 for a single item.

    The scaling is a percentage so its most notable when you do high bonuses that come with other high bonuses. Its hard to notice below a +3 deconstruction effect.

    You're also wrong about the bottleneck. When you start working in the 50s and 60s, or if you start trying to level with cheaper, unbound shards (especially in the 50s and 60s) you will find that greater essences are the chokepoint for more essence types. Some are relatively rare on loot (divine, evil) and are reare for deconstruction, but most are plentiful and you will run out of greaters first.

  16. #36
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matuse View Post
    I get them listed all the the right packs. Orchard and Vale quests have greater essences in the end reward list all the time. And not just when there's an urn/broccoli on the list.
    mm odd.. amrath never has em. havent ran much iq/dd lately. (oh yea ran the U10 stuff lots too, they never have them either.. lvl17 quests) tho while lvling my tr, doing quests above lvl, they drop all over.. Seems to work like guild renown, tho I guess it has som oddities.

    but orchard/vale should have the unr/brocoli all the time.. it's a 100% drop.. or so I thought. Your seeing some end rewards without it?
    maybe it has some chance to be replaced with a greater essence stack.
    Last edited by Shade; 06-07-2011 at 12:37 AM.

  17. #37
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    I've had a fair number of greater essences whilst farming the U9 chain for end rewards, in the reward list of the individual quests. On a capped char.

  18. #38
    Community Member HallowedOne's Avatar
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    Pffffff. Chances of 1 in a million happen 9 out of 10 times if you know how to manipulate them.
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  19. #39
    Community Member HallowedOne's Avatar
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    This game is about learning and having fun, rather than mind nubbing repetition, while trying to accquire big shiny things.

    Probability is a *****. But you make her your servant.

    Edit: almost forgot. repetition while talking bul**** is a lot more fun than doing repetitions alone.
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