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  1. #1
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    Default Trying to reach out

    Hello all!... first off idd like to say DDO has been a great way to relieve stress and provide fun...I in fact work for the US Army in the MI branch but I have simply come to the conclusion the from a "newbies" aspect which infact iam the DDO community simplly will not tolerate the fact that new players do not know every little detail to each quest......and instead of providing help "vets" shun them....while i have come across exped players that are nice, but they are few and far between ive just overall seen a i ask what are your thoughts to this trend should new players not play....or perhaps some sort of segregation between vets and newbies be placed in demand....? please spill you beans

  2. #2
    Community Member BattleCircle's Avatar
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    Yep, you are MI alright

  3. #3
    Community Member Trillea's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfen33 View Post
    Hello all!... first off idd like to say DDO has been a great way to relieve stress and provide fun...I in fact work for the US Army in the MI branch but I have simply come to the conclusion the from a "newbies" aspect which infact iam the DDO community simplly will not tolerate the fact that new players do not know every little detail to each quest......and instead of providing help "vets" shun them....while i have come across exped players that are nice, but they are few and far between ive just overall seen a i ask what are your thoughts to this trend should new players not play....or perhaps some sort of segregation between vets and newbies be placed in demand....? please spill you beans
    First and foremost, welcome to DDO; we need more mature, responsible players! I am sorry that you have had a bad experience with your early experience. What I and many others have seen and experienced is that when a person is new, and tells the party that when they first join, that the patience levels raise considerably.

    There are some things that you will want to avoid however until you learn the game a bit more: parties that have the following acronyms in them - IP (in progress), zerg (means rush to the end without waiting for anyone), TR-friendly (usually means a zerg with repeating the same quest over and over for fast XP). There are others, but these come to mind first and foremost.

    What I would suggest is to find a lowbie-friendly guild, or a small group of people that you like to run with and talk to their guild leader. As long as you are not an *** then you will probably get an invite, or at the very least some more names of good people to run with.

    I am sure that you will get many more people responding to this, but I hope some of my advice helps you!
    Quote Originally Posted by Philam View Post
    I nominate you as head developer of DDO!
    Quote Originally Posted by FlimsyFirewood View Post
    That tears it. I need to get a donkey.
    Concentrated power is the enemy of liberty - Ronald Reagan

  4. #4
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    Meh, if someone asks me a question ill answer or help them out. Not going to just offer advice everytime someone does something stupid (maybe the 8th time i will), becoming experienced is part of the fun in this game.

  5. #5
    Community Member MartinusWyllt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trillea View Post
    What I would suggest is to find a lowbie-friendly guild, or a small group of people that you like to run with and talk to their guild leader. As long as you are not an *** then you will probably get an invite, or at the very least some more names of good people to run with.

    I am sure that you will get many more people responding to this, but I hope some of my advice helps you!
    I second this, but also have found that by-and-large my experience on Thelanis has been positive. The bad-experience PuGs (pick-up groups, found by the LFM announcements on the group tab) have been few and far-between. I can't speak to the other servers.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by BattleCircle View Post
    Yep, you are MI alright
    ahha the best part of my job is this joke i love it =]....humor is what keeps us going

  7. #7
    Community Member zorander6's Avatar
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    I'm no vet but I've found plenty of helpful people around. Just let them know if you join a quest that you are new and most will take a few extra minutes to help. The ones who don't want to help will let you know and you can move on. Mistakes are a way of learning as well as the forums, the wiki, and google. There are always donkeys out there but just be patient and you'll find some good people to run with.
    Cannith - Falconsbane(8 - 3rd life), NeedOil (14), NeedMead, Needfood, hobbitarcher(5)
    Sarlona - Zebidiahh (19.8), Anotherpers(20), Smurgh(16), Falconsbane(14), Needoil(15)
    The first rule of the trashcan guild is expect to die...
    There is no second rule.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trillea View Post
    First and foremost, welcome to DDO; we need more mature, responsible players! I am sorry that you have had a bad experience with your early experience. What I and many others have seen and experienced is that when a person is new, and tells the party that when they first join, that the patience levels raise considerably.

    There are some things that you will want to avoid however until you learn the game a bit more: parties that have the following acronyms in them - IP (in progress), zerg (means rush to the end without waiting for anyone), TR-friendly (usually means a zerg with repeating the same quest over and over for fast XP). There are others, but these come to mind first and foremost.

    What I would suggest is to find a lowbie-friendly guild, or a small group of people that you like to run with and talk to their guild leader. As long as you are not an *** then you will probably get an invite, or at the very least some more names of good people to run with.

    I am sure that you will get many more people responding to this, but I hope some of my advice helps you!
    Ty very much for your post....i have infact spent the time to learn the acronyms via this wonderfull forum and the option of anouncing the fact that iam new has been tried but i do see how it would raise the simpathy factor....your sir are a great addition to any community and have personally modivated me ty...what you have said made a difference.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Der_Incubo View Post
    becoming experienced is part of the fun in this game.
    If you're a masochist, sure.

    Even if you're familiar with PnP, there's a big learning curve here- in terms of group dynamics as well as game mechanics.

    Guilds can be intimidating, and the good ones lean toward more experienced players. PUGs are... PUGs, and about a third of the time you're gonna wind up with at least one jerk in your group, especially if you don't know what to look for in an lfm. Throw in the 'serious business' mentality of some of our less casual players and things start looking really unpleasant for the new kids.

  10. #10
    Community Member Trillea's Avatar
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    Glad to have helped, which server do you run on? If you are on Thelanis I may be able to hook you up with some people.
    Quote Originally Posted by Philam View Post
    I nominate you as head developer of DDO!
    Quote Originally Posted by FlimsyFirewood View Post
    That tears it. I need to get a donkey.
    Concentrated power is the enemy of liberty - Ronald Reagan

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by zorander6 View Post
    I'm no vet but I've found plenty of helpful people around. Just let them know if you join a quest that you are new and most will take a few extra minutes to help. The ones who don't want to help will let you know and you can move on. Mistakes are a way of learning as well as the forums, the wiki, and google. There are always donkeys out there but just be patient and you'll find some good people to run with.
    Indeed the internet has provided a vast amount of knowledge at our fingertips...but as your have stated patience is quite the vertue well said ty

  12. #12
    Community Member Kourier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfen33 View Post
    Ty very much for your post....i have infact spent the time to learn the acronyms via this wonderfull forum and the option of anouncing the fact that iam new has been tried but i do see how it would raise the simpathy factor....your sir are a great addition to any community and have personally modivated me ty...what you have said made a difference.
    If you say you are new then I can properly instruct you and I understand that I should be patient with you. If you don't, I assume you know what you are doing and if it turns out to the contrary I now assume you are incompetent rather than new. It's all about communication. If I am in a run with new people I do my best to teach them how to do the quest. If I am in a run with incompetent people...

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