i know there are different types of armor, but in each armor or robe or any of those it says the +N enhacement the gyves N to AC what i cant figure is what is the diffecence between all armours whitout being the look
i know there are different types of armor, but in each armor or robe or any of those it says the +N enhacement the gyves N to AC what i cant figure is what is the diffecence between all armours whitout being the look
As regards AC, armor has an inherent bonus to AC and a Maximum Dex Bonus allowed. Full plate, for instance, has an armor bonus of 8 and a Max Dex Bonus of 1. If you had 14 Dex (+2 bonus) and no other sources of AC, your AC would be as follows with the following armor:
+1 Full Plate: 10 (base) + 8 (armor) + 1 (Dex) + 1 (enhancement) = 20
+1 Chain Shirt: 10 (base) + 4 (armor) + 2 (Dex) + 1 (enhancement) = 17
Robes: 10 (base) + 2 (Dex) = 12
There are armor enhancements and character enhancements that can alter the Maximum Dex Bonus, and unique armors (such as Dragontouched) that have a higher than ordinary inherent bonus for a particular base.
Other armor qualities that can be important are Arcane Spell Failure and Armor Check Penalty.
Not even close.
EACH type of armor has a specific AC/Max DEX/ASF/ACP profile.
There are several different types of each classification of armor (Light, Medium, Heavy).
The material the armor is made from can also affect it's profile and classification.
You said you are a Ranger, so I suggest a Mithral Chain Shirt.
Tip# 203: Death is a traumatic experience.
Low levels when your dex doesn't exceed your benefits of armor:
Mithral Breastplate
Mithral Chainshirt
or Elven Chain
Once your dex exceeds the benefits of armor:
REALLY high dex bonus to AC on armor.
or whatever provides the best effects and looks the best as AC becomes irrelevent at higher levels.
Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first. - Mark Twain
You can find an overview of various armors here: http://www.d20srd.org/srd/equipment/...orDescriptions. You can scroll up in that article to read about concepts like max dex bonus, armor check penalty, arcane spell failure, etc.
The table is for PnP D&D, but the same works for DDO. What's not in the table are special materials. Mithral and darkleaf variants of medium armor are treated as light armor; and mithral and darkleaf variants of heavy armor are treated as medium. Both increase the max dex bonus of armor (mithral more than darkleaf).
The enhancement bonus (+1 to +5) simply increases the protection granted by the underlying armor.
Last edited by cru121; 06-09-2011 at 02:53 AM.