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Thread: Dr Who...

  1. #21
    Community Member deathtouch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dkyle View Post
    Not this past week. BBC America skipped showing a new Dr Who for Memorial day weekend, so this past weekend was the episode UK viewers saw the week prior, and this coming weekend will be the episode UK viewers say this past weekend.

    Otherwise, they've been in sync.

    America see's them several hours after they show on BBC due to the time difference.

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  2. #22
    Community Member SardaofChaos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Keybreaker View Post

    When River 1st appeared she did say her crime was killing the Doctor (remember?). In this season, astronaut is shown killing the Doctor and then revealed to be Amy's daughter. So the loop's been closed.

    However, we've also seen the Doctor replicated as a Flesh. So who did we see die? Hmm...
    Well, as FuzzyDuck mentioned she didn't actually say who it was other than that it was a good man, I believe the line about him being "the best man i've ever known" came after she was pressed for more. Also, we saw the spacesuit kill the Doctor. As River was a child at the only point we have proof she was inside it, I doubt she was in it then because they wouldn't put a child in a maximum security(ha!) prison.

    As for the Doctor's death, Canton stated that the man they saw die was indeed the Doctor. Whether or not the possibility of Flesh comes into it depends on whether or not Canton believes the Flesh truly are who they were made to resemble. Arguments could be made for both sides. However, if it is Flesh, then it was likely done without the Doctor's knowledge/approval, given his reaction when Amy told real!Doctor about his death when she thought she was telling Flesh!Doctor. On the other hand, it didn't unform when it was killed, it definitely was about to regenerate, and it didn't melt when burned.

    Extra thought: the title of the latest episode, A Good Man Goes to War, would seem to wave towards the side of the Doctor but again could refer to Rory as well. It also kinda shot down the theory that Amy was replaced before the events of Flesh and Stone, given that when Sexy said "the only water in the forest is the river" has been shown to be referring to a language that doesn't contain the concept of 'pond', not that River was in the forest with the angels but Pond wasn't. On the other hand, it would be an awesome Chekov's Boomerang if they did bring it back to refer to that as well.

    Last edited by SardaofChaos; 06-12-2011 at 10:45 PM.

  3. #23
    Community Member BitkaCK2's Avatar
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    With series six resuming this Saturday Aug. 27 it's time for a timely bit of minor thread necro!

    Here's a bit of my own speculation but remember, once the show starts lets try and keep it spoiler free.

    1) The Silence - This one is obvious... if I'm right. It's the Ood. The Doctor has been giving the clues for 2-3 years every time he has said "Another Ood I've failed to save." The Ood losing their voice, a.k.a. song*, and devolving into The Silence would be his ultimate failure to save them. The fact that The Silence are only seen when someone is looking at them accents how The Ood are continually left to die as 'background' life forms.

    2) Rory - He is the key to something... I haven't quite noodled it out yet but he's pivotal to something. He is the only human that came back from the heart of the exploding Tardis before the Doctor rebooted the universe. Granted it was as consciousness in a plastic Nestene body but it puts him in a unique position. Also, in "The Doctor's Wife" episode the Tardis (in human form) connected to Rory as 'the pretty one'. I believe he was the only one in her immediate presence when she passed on the clue as to River's identity.

    3) River - Okay this one could get a bit dicey. We know she is Amy and Rory's daughter. We also know that their baby was conceived on the Tardis and was kidnapped to be forged into a weapon against the Doctor. Further, we know that the little girl that tore way out of the support space suit is a) stronger than human or time lord and b) able to regenerate. Now if River was that little girl than she should have been able to regenerate at the end of the series four "library" episode. This leads me to believe that the little girl in the space suit is not River. A quick guess makes the little girl Flesh modified by the kidnappers or the daughter of River and the Doctor. Lastly, when River said she killed the best man she's ever known we all assumed she meant the Doctor however she could have also meant her father Rory.

    4) The Flesh - I consider this to be the writer's 'Silly Putty' safety net put in place in case things went pear shaped. I'm pretty sure there was some uncertainty about Matt Smith's return for a series seven. That coupled with 'season interuptus' from the Torchwood intervention and syncing of US and UK air dates might have led the writers to feel they needed one. However if the season ends with a "Who shot JR" it was all just a dream mechanic I will consider the show to have 'jumped the shark'

    5) Loose Ends - Oh boy... where to begin... I guess I'll just pick two to start with as this is getting a bit long. Perhaps the most glaring one I can come up with is 'the Doctor's daughter' from series 4. At the end of that episode his 'daughter' regenerated then hopped a spaceship for the stars and beyond. Another one that has been nagging at me is something Commander Strex said in the last episode before hiatus. When he was dying and Rory called him a great warrior the Sontaren answers, "Rory, I'm a nurse." This struck a parallel for me between the Doctor going from 'great healer' to 'mighty warrior' and Rory's current path.

    Anyway, just a few thoughts, speculations and outright predictions for the upcoming season conclusion. I am very much looking forward to being right, wrong and/or surprised!


    *c wat i did thar?
    Last edited by BitkaCK2; 08-26-2011 at 12:12 AM.
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