....wow, what an episode. Anyone see that one coming? I sure didn't!
....wow, what an episode. Anyone see that one coming? I sure didn't!
Jemidon, Jemilar - playing since heads up in EU
Resisting.....temptation....to...give....mahoosive ...spoiler....
Jemidon, Jemilar - playing since heads up in EU
Omg no.. that is the FIRST time I didn't see it coming.. well until I saw the thing he brought out and she turned up and saw it then I saw it and was OMG thats when I got it but seriously WOAH... best episode of the series!
"(Party): [Party] Mislabeled: you were killed by Qrazydirections"
I've still got a couple of hours before it's on keep it in PM's until then
Yeh I kinda had a feeling, but now we have the stupid long wait for the next episode now.
Show me someone who believes in something, and I will show you a fool : Kerr Avon
this horrible joke was brought to you by too much spare time INCknock knock
who's there
doctor who?
It was selection of awesome "huh buh wha..?" moments in a few places this season & I especially like that they've given Rory far more of an active role rather than just sticking with the usual formula of "doctor plus 1 female companion do stuff" - Arthur Darville is a great actor & its letting him show off some of what he can do, plus storyline-wise it adds an extra angle & depth to explore.
In speculation for forthcoming stuff, i still have a nagging feeling about the Silence still hanging around somewhere & that statement "silence will fall" which enemies of the doctor seem to be using as a threat or a taunt - theres a lot of ways that the statement can be interpreted, though:
- everything will become silent, ie they could end up taking over... this seems like a relevant kind of threat, pretty straightforward, which judging by whats happened so far could be a little too easy.
- silence will be defeated, ie fall of empires kind of thing...looks like the doctor defeated them though, so how could that be a threat, or something to taunt him with? unless they were doing something else and the doctor's kind of stabbed himself in the foot by disrupting that?
- or "fall" in the whole "fallen angel" theme...considering some of Moffatt's other twists & turns, this could be a very interesting angle
Regardless, really looking forward to the next batch now!
I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was, now what's it is weird and scary to me.
was D&Ding all weekend. Will watch it. Matt Smith is not my favourite Doctor. NOt even close. Makes it hard to watch the episodes.
As for all the UK peeps out there, I think we see them the same time as you do.
+The Goddess of Tempest's Spine+Merc's Only, THELANIS: List is here: http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php...94#post2798094 LEGIONNAIRE /Salute to Rameses, He has RETURNED!
When River 1st appeared she did say her crime was killing the Doctor (remember?). In this season, astronaut is shown killing the Doctor and then revealed to be Amy's daughter. So the loop's been closed.
However, we've also seen the Doctor replicated as a Flesh. So who did we see die? Hmm...
Last edited by Keybreaker; 06-06-2011 at 04:43 PM.
Keybreaker, Exalted Tyrants
My girlfriend and I have been discussing this all season. It came as more of a surprise to her than it did me. I kind of saw this coming especially with the first episode and all.
In response to that (also highlight to reveal)
Actually River never specifically said that she killled the doctor, merely "the best man she's ever known" - that could indeed be the doctor, possibly even the flesh duplicate who died at the start of this season, but was that amy's daughter in the spacesuit that other time though? could have been anyone or anything, just cos someone was wearing a spacesuit at one point doesnt mean that it was the same one later.. Babylon 5 used that trick to good effect years ago in the whole thing with the disappearance of Babylon4 & Sinclair becoming Valen (geeky credentials on show!).
Instead, I think that it could potentially be Rory - especially from the introduction that Amy gives at the start of "a good man goes to war" & considering he was a guy that could endure waiting 2000 years for the woman he loved instead of merely "shortcutting" with the doctor who had already assured him that the pandorica was inpenetrable & indestructable
Last edited by FuzzyDuck81; 06-07-2011 at 03:11 AM.
I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was, now what's it is weird and scary to me.
WOW. It just aired in the states... WAS NOT expecting THAT at the end. Wow.
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