So let me get this straight, the item, even when deconstructed, will (or should) maintain both properties (silver and holy)?
So let me get this straight, the item, even when deconstructed, will (or should) maintain both properties (silver and holy)?
Blackmoors (Pale Master) | Bloodrake (Defender of Siberys) | Darckmoor (Angel of Vengeance) | Doulbelades (Berserker) | Thayed (Warchanter)
~ Cheara : Raizertron : Pozitron : Higgz Bowtron : Illudium : Staphe Infection : Abraa Capocus ~
Nooby McNoobsalot
Ghallanda Rerolled
~~~ R E V E N A N T S ~~~
Ayspam Life #27/27(Completionist Sorc), Aycare Life #10/10(Evoker FvS), Ayplink Life #22/22(Completionist to be decided), Aygo Life #14/14(Helvesbarian)
On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero
Yes, i'm french and i do eat frogs alive, so don't mess with me when i'm hungry
Argonessen FTW : Leelith ~ Bagdad Cafe ~ Lipp Stick ~ Peroxy Acetone
just curious, why is it THAT good? Dark monks will love them, but Shintaos have no use now
If you're playing a Dark Monk, or a Shintao split (and not taking 18 levels of monk for Shintao 3) they are that good.
You're going to get HolyBurst on a ring, but your other options are Metalline of Whatever (which is uncraftable atm, Thanks Devs) or Silver Wraps and then craft on them (Holy of LOB is like level 30 craftable recipes, Holy of GLOB is also craftable at a higher level)
In short, they're the best DPS Handwrap option for Dark Monks/Shintao Splashes in the game.
And with the Devs infinite wisdom keeping them out of the general loot tables, the priciest.