I joined a pug VoD back when the cap was L16 that was absolutely atrocious. Needless to say, we nearly wiped getting to VoD and once we were at the entrance we ended up waiting for 10+ minutes for something, but I didn't know what. There were also several people that were new to the raid asking about the quest and the leader wasn't responding. After a few minutes of perceived silence and a few more questions I ended up chiming in on how the quest goes and the strategies involved because the leader wasn't responding.
I finally got fed up, recalled, and dropped group. I was furious because I thought the party leader wasn't communicating with the rest of the party; i.e. the leader wasn't leading.
After dropping group I went to add the leader to my squelch list. I received a message stating that the person was already on it... which made me feel a bit sheepish. The person may have been communicating the whole time and it was me being the jerk.
Can we have a toggle in the Gameplay Options that will temporarily unsquelch a person if they are the leader of the party?