Only really venting because I woke up and realized I'm still pretty darn ticked about the whole thing.
I think it is safe to say any who have ran with Auro, Cari or Faye know I play this for fun. It is in each bio saying just that... and even stating I won't join groups that are the serious, epic, uber whatever...I get that some like to play that way, and more power to you..and I know that our play styles would not go together, so I stay away from lfms that I know will be the more serious ones.
Shockingly enough...I'm actually a pretty decent healer. Trust me no one is as shocked as me about the whole thing. I made Cari a heal bot and have a blast playing her.
Last night a friend asked me to give a few tips to a cleric who was struggling on what to do, what gear he needed. So I joined the group, showed him the equip Cari has, saying there are other things you could get, depends what you want out of your healer. Told him what enhancements I took, again saying honestly some of them I had no idea why I took them and then went on to compare stats with him.
At the stat comparison, mr jerk (trust me I have a few colorful names I'd like to say) joins the group. I am going down my list of stats, and get to con.... yes I used it as a dump stat, and even said that to the other cleric. Cari was my 2nd toon, I know now that it was a mistake, but well as a healbot, I really don't get hit. Her con is 22. Mr.jerk hears that and demands to know how many hp she has...I tell him 372. he then proceeds to scream at me that I would not last 30 seconds in ToD with that sort of hp, and how dare I tell this other cleric who will be running ToD how to build, I have a gimp cleric .... I dropped group right then.
I suppose what is really bothering me is having someone yell at me for showing an example of what another person has.I wasn't telling the other cleric what to pick for stats or how he should build his toon...I did tell him he may want to eat a tome to even out his wis...and gave him a +6 necklace to help, that was the most advice he got.
I know Cari isn't the most uber elite cleric out there, and I would never claim her as one... but I do know (most times) what I'm doing. I have solo healed short man shrouds, 6man elite dq2, 90%of the time solo heal elite von...I know, nothing all that spectacular...but since we don't wipe, I can't be all that gimp. I really don't plan on running ToD with her. She was flagged at 16, and yes healed out there. And I don't (until they make me) plan on being in epics. She is fine for what I play.
The tl/dr version.... some people chose not to run epics or worry about their toons being epic ready. Some chose not to run certain quests. Be thankful that I know my toon isn't built "right" to enter the great world of ToD and epic questing and I am not that healer who gets added because they have all the right gear and ends up causing a party wipe. I don't tell you how to build your toon, or say what you should or shouldn't run...and it may be a total pipe dream, but I expect the same in return.