Has anyone seen an indication that the Mystical end rewards are used in U10 crafting? I haven't seen anything, but I also might have just not hit the place that mentions them yet (if one exists).
Has anyone seen an indication that the Mystical end rewards are used in U10 crafting? I haven't seen anything, but I also might have just not hit the place that mentions them yet (if one exists).
It has not been said yet. My guess is that they are going to be a special component to craft the insta kill stuff. Urn(comes from orchard) = disruption, plant(vale) = banishing, vessel(restless isles) = smiting, one from red flens = vorpal. Those are the only four I have seen so that was my guess anyways.
Hargrave 20 Pally 1/2ling * Saraph 20 N Human Clr * Azureflame 14/2 CG WF Wiz/Rog * Grimstone 12/2/6 CG Dwf Rgr/ftr/Barb * Ebinn 17/3 Clr/Pally Dwf * Settsu 20 Dwf Monk LN * Nythh 8 Fvs Lg Human * Krisi 20 Sorc Drow LG * Cinderblok 6/12/2 Rgr/Ftr/Mk WF LG
There are six in total:
Mystical Dried Fish - Sorrowdusk Isle
Mystical Vessel - The Restless Isles
Mystical Goblet - Ruins of Threnal
Mystical Bottle - The Red Fens
Mystical Plant - The Vale of Twilight
Mystical Urn - Orchard of the Macabre
Or maybe this will be an additional feature to match Fernando's quote of simply taking the effect from one weapon and dumping it onto another.
Glenalth Woodwalke ■ Preston the Ranger ■ Brisqoe the Dentist ■ Prescription Liberator
AoK @ Argonnessen
I believe that people took that quote far too seriously and literally.
That's exactly what we do, only it takes more steps and he simplified it a bit. But in the long run it's the same. We take one effect off of an item {or fifty} and get essenses. With those essenses we craft a shard. We place that shard onto an item.
The start = take an effect off an item.
The end = place an effect on an item.
He oversimplified the explanation for the interview, but the description is still accurate.
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been wondering myself but have been taking the mysticl stuff to stock up
Beware the Sleepeater
I hope they are for something other than the instagib effects. Some new stuff would be nice![]()
I have been thinking about this and if you look at the enchantment bonus on a weapon, it does work kinda like that, you can take a +5 from a weapon, turn it into a shard and put it on a weapon.
I picture that the system was demo-ed for him and from what he saw, it did work just like that. He just did not see that people had to deconstruct 100's of items and such to make the shards. If someone was showing the boss how the system worked, they would probably show the deconstruct, the creation of a shard and adding a shard... then you would walk away from that demo thinking that's all there was... I do not think that they were intentionally misleading on this.
Whatever they are for, my bet is you will need all of them to do it. This will force people to buy the less popular packs to get the ingredients.
Resistance +5 from Mystical Vessel (Restless Isles).
Heavy Fort from Mystical Goblet (Ruins of Threnal)
Dodge +2 from Mystical Plant (Vale)
All level 100 shards