The Beergirl & I woke up this morning on day 2 of a 4 day weekend looking at each other going what do you want to do today after we lift & run. The normal reply is let's go online & geek out. After working out we look at the lake, and the water is glass. Now we're like, what a perfect day. Do we really want to waste it geeking out? We could put the big boat out on the water and hang out on a beach, or put the bass boat out and go fishing. The verdict. Screw DDO let's get the dog & go fishing. The results? A perfect day on the water. Other than I lost every bass I hooked into so I got skunked.
We get back home and debate. Order a pizza so we can geek out or grill some Mahi Mahi and watch the sunset. Fish tacos win out and we get to watch one of the most perfect sunsets over the water in I don't know how long.
So the moral of the story. For those of us who have been geeking out non stop. Step away from the mouse and keyboard and find something to break out of the rut. What a great day! I would have missed it all if I typed in my PW and logged on. I love my DDO, but I'm so glad I didn't log on. Even if I got skunked fishing I still had fish tacos.It was a very pleasant break from the grind. For the folks who are in a DDO rut and grind like we've been in. Step away for a bit you'll be happy you did.