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If you respec into a 10 PAL / 10 MNK, you will TR with a paladin past-life feat. If you respec into 10 FTR / 10 MNK, you will TR with a FTR past-life feat. If you respec into a 10 ROG / 10 MNK, you will TR with a monk past-life feat.
Your class icon order will verify this. One you respect into a 10 ROG / 10 MNK, say, the monk class icon will appear second. This lets you know that the past-life feat you pick up will be monk.
Everything is alphabetical for 10/10 splits save MNK and FvS, which come at the end of the alphabet, and in that order. Treat MONK as XMONK and FvS as ZFVS for purposes of alphabetical ordering. Since P comes before Z, Paladin trumps ZFVS.
Obviously if your split is not 10/10, the above doesn't apply. Then your dominant class will fix your past-life feat.