Turbine, for those who enjoy PvP, you've killed us. You've finally taken the dagger to our hearts. PvP is the place where everyone gets to try out their new toys. A place where you can test the best against the best, and frankly is a part of the game where lots of strategies form in people's heads. So make it available to everyone, not just to the casters, take away all the things from u9, and PvP was (arguably) balanced to an extent. Now, you are lucky if there isn't a Wizard spamming away Meteor Swarm, or any Divine who isn't drop-casting his DoT's. Not to mention that EVERY arcane out there is using lightning. It is ridiculous that anyone can do 1,000+ damage with a spell that costs 5 Spell Points.
Also, why do you continue to give Favoured Souls more and more upgrades, but nerf everyone else? Frankly Turbine each time an update comes around, you seem to be making more and more people frustrated and angry rather than improving your game. What's next in u10? Favoured Souls get immunity to all forms of damage? Sorcerers can cast any spell of their choice for 1 sp? Vampire Form receives 8x light damage? Melees...continue to get nothing new?