I can barely do the Korthos Island puzzles! Needless to say, I was there for like an hour--maybe longer! I pondered just giving up. I did it, though! (yay me!) I love all the **** you can say to Fred! I laughed. Spent another 10 minutes going through every one to see his responses! (I wonder if I'll get the discount?) I didn't have any problems finding my way around--I must be naturally insane! I died, though, fighting nurse ratchet; and, since it was just me and a hirling, I failed
That was on casual! Nurse Ratchet is hard. She heals. Maybe it's because it's 1 am and I was too tired. I'll definitely do it again! It was a fun one!
How do you get into the secret rooms? I know they were there but I could never get them opened.