Khyber - Officer in The Stormreach Thieves Guild
Steeles (TR 1 Paladin 20 / 8 Epic - TWF) - Steeley (Monkadin - Pal 18/Monk 2/ 8 Epic - Unarmed) - Steeltruhart (TR1 Paladin 17 - S&B Bastardsword) - Steelforged (Pal 20 / 8 Epic - SWF) - Steeltruhurt (TR1 - Pal 8 / Ftr 2 - THF) Steelsouls (Clr 17 / Pal 3 /8 Epic)
Instead of saying "getting ship buffs" say something like, "getting [insert essential gear item] from bank, be with you in a sec". Much less likely to get party leader aggro.
Out of the mists of chaos he rides, bike in his crotch and sword at his side!
Na na, na na.
If I see a pug I head to the ship, send join request, if I get accepted get buffed and go. Literally takes what.......20 seconds tops to get your buffs and be out the door?
I'm sorry but if you don't have enough patience for that I wouldn't want to be in a group with you anyways.
Waiting for a party to fill is far more annoying than waiting for ship buffs.
Ship buffs usually tend to make the quest being run smoother too; in many cases you win the delay back.
Tough subject because there are many factors at play here. The person joining has no idea the mood the group is in (hurry up or no worries), unless they're taking damage no way to infer they are not doing the same (buffing) or already in the dungeon and what the actual quest or difficulty level determines a lot? I guess lastly what level of sip buffs the other person has. Some people don't understand that if you have all even number of stats and you go buff on a low level ship with +1 boosts it's only wasting time. That's why I almost never ship buff on some of my lower level chars that are in lower level guilds.
When I join a group if I'm not the last man in I'll usually go buff real quick. If the leader is expressing urgency while forming still I'll only hit the top floor buffs which on my ship is all the +2 shrines. I won't bother with the resists and the like because I can buff myself in the quest with those if it's a hurry. If I'm the last person to join the group and no one is taking damage (which would mean they are already in, in which case I'd come right away), I'll usually say "Hi" and then ask "Time for a quick buff"? If they say no then no big deal I come. If they say sure then I buff.
Lastly if it's an Epic I can almost always assume the group is ok with a quick buff before we start. In the case of ADQ1 (cas) eADQ2 I'll buff before ADQ1, but not between. I hate when people do that while we all stand around and wait, but it's not that big a deal. Same with Von5 and eVon6.
Sometimes buffing before can make the whole quest go a bit faster and make up for the time. I have no idea why some people take so long to buff. I never hit the dummy (what a waste of time) but otherwise it should be 30 seconds to buff up tops.
The obvious solution is to only party with guildless/people with crappy boats/buffs.
So most times if I'm looking to join a pug, I will be doing so while I beat that stupid dummy. If I get picked up by a full or nearly full group I'll dump the dummy and run my shrine route to the nav. This doesn't take too too long, and if no ship it would take me the same amount of time to run there anyway.
I'll be sure to leave out the part about what I'm doing on the way there from now on and just give the generic brt since I now know it annoys some (it really helps the party when you have them though).
I have no problem if you're on the ship already, it's if you are doing something else, we're already in (I stick IP in the lfm just to make sure people realise) and yet you still dash off to grab the buffs, and god knows what else, taking longer than 5 minutes, only to have grabbed some +1 shrines...
If they THEN say "What quest are we doing?" or "Share please" when the giver is the entrance, I kick them.
Slightly off topic, does anyone else think P2P means "Prepare to party"? Apparently saying "Red Fens Chain P2P (IP)" doesn't mean what I thought it did :L