To is or not to is, that be the question. Arr!
teh ReAl D1Ff1cULtY 1z TH@ 50Met1mEZ pE0ple D0 Th1Z AnN0Y1N' TH1n' wHeRe ThEY 5wAP 50me lEtTErZ PH0R Numberz ANd preTend 1t'Z a lan9uA9e. 1 mEaN, 5ure, 1t'Z pretty HaRD t0 Read, buT th@ d0eZ N0t auT0MAT1CaLLY mAke 1T a LaN9ua9e! 1 D0N't KArE 1f J00 wR1Te 1N EN9l15H 0r pHreNCH 0R 5PAn15h 0r hEck eVEn Ch1nE5E bUt wr1Te 1t W1T LETTerz!
/rant off