Compute: Dwarf 19/1 Rogue/fighter - TR1 Dwarf 9/8/3 Barb/Fighter/Rogue - TR2 Dwarf 18/2Fighter/Barb
Stop asking for GH! [Guide]Solo farming for Planar Girds.
I tr'd my rogue into a barb on his way to getting his capstone then final build horc pure rogue. but you wont see him for awhile.
Yes i do have a +4 int tome =-)
Can I get some + rep love I miss my green squares =-(
Repeat Offenders-Leader and currently only member woot!
Quazicotl, Quazihealz
Chaotic alignment is actually pretty good.
It makes you immune to a portion of Lailat's damage, the Deeps Demon's Chaos Hammers, and a few other things.
Unless you plan on using stability items, or fighting the Order's Wrath-spamming clerics in Dreaming Dark.
I also have TR'd my capped rogue (Openjar) into an odd build I put together (12fighter/7rogue/1monk) so far elite VoN5 at lv 13 has been the only thing I had issues with (didn't invest in a reflex item, should have that fixed now) lv 14 now no other issues yet. I grew tired of being told "your not DPS," "your too squishy," and "no traps in here." I did dump the spot(couldn't find room for it in the build), but I have no issues with being the guy in front that sets the traps off (I've seen my max hp at 466 at lv 13). I have been doing some soloing but if you need me just /tell openjar <insertmsghere>
I TR'd the 25th of june lv14 now moving at a moderate pace should be capped in about two weeks.
~Everything is bearable with music~
~I'm very intelligent, don't you think if I was wrong I'd know it?~
~Easy and practical Idea about Menus~
~Show how many times and on what difficulties you've done the quest~
~New Buff Bars~
~Auto-sort Bags~
I've been leveling 2 TRs, and there are plenty of rogues out there on Orien...technically. Most seem to find my groups....and most are of the ZOMGI'MGOINGTOBETHEBESTESTTRAPPERORIENHASEVERSEENW ITHMY10CONSTITUTIONANDMY*PINK*PINK*PINK*CROSSBOW variety.
And then you tell them about traps on !*Epic*! And you tell them how the assassin or hybrid thing works just fine on these nefarious !*Epic*! traps.
And then you never see them again.
It may be a flavor thing. Why do we play this game? The great variety and tailoring capability inherent in each toon build is a significant piece of it for many people. We play what we enjoy most.
If being a slicing/dicing/julienne-ing double-hasted blender on bleeders is fun for you, roll rogue. If shoving a rapier/axe/khopesh into a mob (or two)'s posterier from the shadows, watching them drop dead on a single key hit, and then waving up at the barb who was hacking away at those mobs is your thing, np. If watching a 750hp+ pure barb drop dead on eDQ or eChrono from lack of reflex while surviving him at 560hp w/healing amp (while stabbing DQ in the face or basking the toasty firebreath of Voltron) is your thing, that's cool too. The L20 game will be fun for you.
But I think most of the initial rogue rolls out there have something else in mind, involving traps and mechanical things and grease-barfing dogs, so when they realize their conception of the rogue isn't a necessary piece of the L20 game most of them /quit before they ever get to eVoN, eDA/Chrono, eDQ, and all the rest. Odds are good, op, the rogue you're lfm-ing for has already /quit in frustration.
Favorite in-game quote: "Rogues can't do any damage because they require someone else to have aggro."
HoX pug leader to AssassinIII: "Stop linking me T3 greensteel. If you can't link vorpal weapons you can't go. We need good vorpals in here."
And personally, I don't like barfing dogs. But I do like seeing the look of surprise when that warforged starts getting periodic healing from me, or when the monk DINGS in 2.4 seconds flat because he thought his leet evasion was going to save him.![]()
“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present.”
No traps, no rogue. Sorry.
Third time this week that has been said to me. I get a laugh out of it everytime, especially when the leader is a lvl 12 with 90 hp.
I have a fvs with a rogue splash on orien just so in times when it is empty I can usually find a group... theoretically. Problem is, that build is just so fun to solo... sorry!
LOL spot is nice but most rogues i meet dont have it luckly for them they have such high saves it seems like it isnt needed anymore especailly with the NEw uber Half elf rogues who take the feat rogue for their half elf thingy. Its insane how OP the half elves are. So basically let your uber evasion machine lead the group through quest and you should be fine. also they are great against fire eles. I love rogues and they are great dps.
Main thign can you do traps great 2nd thing can you dps Awsome. Rogue players on this server are becoming great players I am impressed they are most likely either tr'ing into something else or just staying at 20.
best way to get a rogue in your group is to make friends with them and let them go to quests where there are no traps. I see alot of times people will post for everythign but a rogue because quest has no traps and that makes me cry. so advice be friendly to rogues and they will be friendly back.
My low con, crossbow packing, trapper was requested to come trap for a group of TRs running Jungle and Haywire elite. A beholder disintegrated me in Jungle with a 198, other than that I took almost no damage the entire run and contributed my share to the dps, hit every box in a timely manner, and evaded every trap in doing so. In haywire, not only did I have ship buffs at the end when I completed the quest, I was carrying everyone else's stones. I even kited the dozen or so defenders and lived to loot the chest. I hit every box in a timely manner, but that didn't stop the TRs from zerging through the traps to their deaths as they rushed passed me to show off how little they thought they needed me. I wonder if one of those stones belonged to you?
Not that I'm trying to take sole credit for the success of the run, or even my performance in the run. It was a team effort. There were times I went *PINK*PINK*PINK* with my crossbow against the side of an iron defender while the others in the group did what they do best, just as there were times others went POOF! in a trap and I did what I do best. The healer kept everyone healed up and rezzed people when they fell. The bard kept everyone buffed up and CC'd the majority of the mobs. The melee took the brunt of the enemies attacks and dished out the majority of the damage. I back stabbed with a repeater from a safe distance and took care of the traps and locks. I don't see the problem?
There's yer problem!
As a rogue you should also be doing most of the damage. And, because you have a repeater, snipe the melee's kills. You can hit tab while you're fighting to hit different enemies with your crossbow bolts & kill three at once.
I miss peoples' reactions to Mechanic Kwizzy when they looked at the kill list hehe. Dividing your atacks is also a good tactic to ensure you won't get aggro and can keep landing big sneak damage.
Good story btw. Please tell me one of those doggies at the end was yours and it greased zerging people into traps. That'd make it an awesome story.![]() - Remember to play in moderation.
lol, got a lvl 15 pure and i mostly solo, rouge is so soloable it's almost like hitting the easy button (blue bar).
i'm sick of haveing to rez people when theres a devine in the group
i'm sick of partying with front line classes who dont want to attack and will literally wait 2 min while i politely ask them to agro the mob.
i'm sick of people ignoreing me when i say "trap" and promptly dieing
@ the op, were out there![]()
Y'know.....being able to backstab with a ranged weapon really doesn't make all that much sense.
Now being able to assassinate with it? Absolutely. Other games (I'm thinking DAoC) allowed ranged-weapon users to take a single shot even from stealth that took massive amounts fo time to set up but did massive damage to the target, often enough to kill more squishy targets in that single shot. That would be a nice little addition.
Assassin 3 ranged users are a lot of fun. IPS + Manyshot or Repeater mmm. 15/20% chance of insta killing anything you shoot.
Strangely assassinate doesn't work with ranged weapons though, or at least not the last time I tried which was forever ago.
Read up on Artificers in update 11 if you're interested, that's one of their abilitiesOther games (I'm thinking DAoC) allowed ranged-weapon users to take a single shot even from stealth that took massive amounts fo time to set up but did massive damage to the target, often enough to kill more squishy targets in that single shot. That would be a nice little addition.![]() - Remember to play in moderation.