For the past week I've had trouble filling the party, and it's always been down to a lack of rogues, even more so than healers! Did something happen? O.o (this is low lvls btw, haven't played my capped chars in a while)
For the past week I've had trouble filling the party, and it's always been down to a lack of rogues, even more so than healers! Did something happen? O.o (this is low lvls btw, haven't played my capped chars in a while)
I got tired of being told i wasnt DPS or my 525 unbuffed hp wasnt enough to do raids on normal so i TRed into a something else.
Compute: Dwarf 19/1 Rogue/fighter - TR1 Dwarf 9/8/3 Barb/Fighter/Rogue - TR2 Dwarf 18/2Fighter/Barb
Stop asking for GH! [Guide]Solo farming for Planar Girds.
I heard a similar story happened to another veteran, multiple TRing player (I know the name, but I'm not mentioning it here for forum policy reasons) recently with new invasion - a barbarian with rogue levels just cannot be DPS.
My rogues (or rogue splashes, for that matter) are level 13, 15 and 20, btw. - Remember to play in moderation.
Try looking for rouges instead of rogues, since everyone is more interested in overpowdered characters... just watch out for the ones who haven't put any skill points into spot becuase they 'know where all the traps are' :P
~Everything is bearable with music~
~I'm very intelligent, don't you think if I was wrong I'd know it?~
~Easy and practical Idea about Menus~
~Show how many times and on what difficulties you've done the quest~
~New Buff Bars~
~Auto-sort Bags~
LOL spot is nice but most rogues i meet dont have it luckly for them they have such high saves it seems like it isnt needed anymore especailly with the NEw uber Half elf rogues who take the feat rogue for their half elf thingy. Its insane how OP the half elves are. So basically let your uber evasion machine lead the group through quest and you should be fine. also they are great against fire eles. I love rogues and they are great dps.
Main thign can you do traps great 2nd thing can you dps Awsome. Rogue players on this server are becoming great players I am impressed they are most likely either tr'ing into something else or just staying at 20.
best way to get a rogue in your group is to make friends with them and let them go to quests where there are no traps. I see alot of times people will post for everythign but a rogue because quest has no traps and that makes me cry. so advice be friendly to rogues and they will be friendly back.
Who needs rogues, we take traps liek real men!!
Isharah(water savant) | Moooo I'm a Turtle(turtle tank) | Darlene(typical healer wannabe)
well i gotta say that while i was leveling during my tr, i've entered a lot of almost filled groups that were holding for just 1 rogue.
On the other side, i usually don't see any trouble finding rogues for high level or epics.
Alexanderv 12ftr/8rog
Last edited by dfgdsdfv; 06-02-2011 at 05:25 AM.
Oh there are many rogues roaming arround lemme assure u... but for whatever reason some of them don't invest in disable device/open lock/search early lvls (or at all?) so "they don't end up with 'gimp' build"... god forbid some items to boost their skills.
Had a rotation of 2-3 rogues joining on lfm when we were doing House K quests around lvl 7. None of the was able to do traps in lvl range, one of them was even legend build which makes me sad thinking he didn't learn anything in his past lives...
What kind of a re&arded build requires a rogue to disregard his skills completely.
Eventually a Barbarian with spalsh rogue lvl(s) joined as replacement and he did well
I hope that's just my experience and that there are actually more capable rogues on lower lvls.
I have a rog, and agree 100%. Other than the advice in my sig, I've given up and stopped ranting about rogs that won't put points into/gear for search/disable and just started blacklisting them. Not that i've had occasion to blacklist anyone yet, since i've been running with guildies/soloing on new chars. And it's not like i maintain a Rogtard Watch Thelanis Twitter account, and spam out the Unworthy, lol![]()
Just that if you ever click rog on any of your levels ever, and then wish to say that you don't do traps, as you only took rog for evasion/Teh DPS, that is certainly your right. Just that I and a bunch of other people will not be grouping with you, since you're doing it wrong, and will probably be a PITA in other ways. And as for your DPS, if you don't know what you're doing, you'll get aggro and won't even have that to offer.
The thing about rogs being DPS is that EVERYONE can do DPS. But everyone also has things to contribute other than. Barbs, speed hp, aggro tanking. Fighters, AC or hp, tactics. Both can throw some items/points at intim for extra hate tanking. Arcanes, FvS, Clerics, fairly clear what they all bring to the table in addition. Rangers, well, i'd say that was an advanced class. Played well, built well, etc, it owns. But really easy to gimp. But hey, also manyshot, so great burst if you know what you're doing.
Again, I have a rog, and this is not a rant against them. Just against people that choose playstyles that seem to annoy an awful lot of us. That's ok, if that's your thing, and you don't want to group with that majority. To each his own.
Puppies And Rainbows
Last edited by PuppiesAndRainbows; 07-19-2011 at 04:34 PM.
There's probably no rogues around because of how pugs have been treating them on this server. A lot of people seem to think rogues aren't a dps class and deny them entry in a melee spot, or just automatically assume they're squishy and auto decline. That's probably true for some of the rogues we have, but not all of them are. It's unfortunate that the few really bad ones give them all a bad rap.
Don't get me wrong though. I've seen the rogues that go into sneak mode the whole quest, like they think they can hide from the fact they're piking the whole time.
Everyone wants a rogue when they want traps done, but treat them poorly the rest of the time. That's why we don't have any more rogues on Orien.
The rogue characters on Orien I know all go Anon when they play and generally only run with static groups for leveling and guilds for raids because of this ignorant mass rejection from parties for DPS roles. I can understand them not caring to disable traps and unlock chests/doors for PUGs as a small token of karma.
Walex (Evoker FvS) | Contingent (Pale Master) | Akulatraxas (RS Cleric) | Soundtrack (Spellsinger)
Oh haven't you heard, pure mech rogues quit because all those barbarians with 1 lv splash of rogue keep winning rolls on raid rogue gear.