The guy who likes to experience every class. Except Fighter >:[ I don't like you Fighter.
Hey Devs! Let's give Warpriests and Eldritch Knights some loving, kay? :<
Not sure about the mummies, but ghosts are an exception in D&D PnP, if that's of any consequence.
I know DDO isn't D&D, but there is enough material here which is based on PnP to take this kind of D&D canon into consideration. When attention to those details are lost, DDO becomes (potentially) a little more generic.
Just to clarify: WF are the perfect race. Such perfection should not be sullied by assumption of the traits of dead fleshies.
Characters - Brion, Damerchant, Deathbot, Goode-, Minusten, Sepiriz, Spiritstrike, Stee, Steilh, Vorpaal, Wyllye, Yaga, Yagalicious, Yga. RIP - Catpizzle and Qazpe
Beware My Gifts!!!
For "the forge of war", page 85.
""The necromancers of Karnnath have made a horrific discovery deep in the gray mist. A band of warforged once assumed to be part of the Lord of Blades' cult are in fact nothing of the kind. Just as the warforged are "sort of" alive, they can apparently become "sort of" undead. These "woeforged," as the necromancers have come to call them, are rusted and broken, just as normal undead are often decayed, and they show the same affinity for negative energy as other undead. Where they came from, who created them, and what they can do remain unclear."
Also, i'm pretty sure warforgeds CAN take, in PnP, the Tomb-Tainted Soul trait, which switch up positive and negative energy healing/damage.
The whole undead = evil thing just never was true. There's even good liches around. Sure, they're rare, but they're there. You can even meet one if you go play the first icewind dale.
Also, yeah it has been said already. Undead warforged is like an undead tree. Think These can be heal-bombed too, and are healed by negative energy.
Also, I played archmage until level 18. It worked just fine, but PM is a much better all-rounder so I switched over (I already had greater necro focus by 18). The only real difference I found was that getting knocked down doesn't always mean death, because aura keeps ticking, and SP going a bit further in shrine starved quests because of the ability to just spam necro bolts for nearly 0 sp (still need aura ticking).
Edit: Gulnar was faster than me :P
Last edited by Truga; 06-03-2011 at 05:55 AM.
The traditional Sorc wouldnt make sense as WF dont have parent they could inherent dragon blood with, but lets say the livewood tree (or whatever its really called) the WF was constructed of was watered with dragonblood
There is almost always a solution.. maybe Cannith had a farm of dragonblood watered trees to make these special WF.
Do you really want to know how WF sorcs are created?
Male WF + Tasty Ham Oil + Female Sorcerer = baby WF Sorcerer!
Sarlona: Facerollnuds(23Sor) - Bonknuds(17Clr/3Mnk) - Rushnuds(20FvS) - Tasteslike(20Sor)
Squishynuds(13Wiz) - and 100 other mules/gimps :P
[Solo Guild - Team Nuds] Feel free to blacklist/friend/whatever.
You're absolutely right. Warforged have no place being undead. Instead, they should make all WF palemasters take on traits of flesh golems since that could be presumed to be the construct equivalent.
New WF Palemaster stats:
Healed & Hasted by electric attacks, immunity to acid and sonic, 80% resist to fire and cold.
There, that's much better.
So PMs are using negative energy to assume the traits of a undead. But aren't WFs immune to negative energy? So it shouldn't affect them whether the effect is a beneficiary one or not.
In any case as others have mentionned DDO can put in place whatever rules they want.
They've already shown multiple times that they don't strictly follow the PnP rules and can even change them late in the life cycle of this product especially when it unbalances in their view the game (like auto-crit on held monsters, double fire dmg on undeads)
Casters that can repair or heal themselves (WF arcanes and any type of PMs) and have almost illimited sp (torc, pots, bauble, ring of spell storing) unbalance greatly the game.
No quest level 25 should be soloable by 1 level 20 so they should do something about it.
No, not immune. They do resist it, I believe, like they resist healing.
Don't want to argue about this in general, but as it relates to this thread, a WF PM isn't really any more self-sufficient than a normal WF caster, so this doesn't argue against WF PMs. Honestly, I'd take Reconstruct over PM healing.Casters that can repair or heal themselves (WF arcanes and any type of PMs) and have almost illimited sp (torc, pots, bauble, ring of spell storing) unbalance greatly the game.
No quest level 25 should be soloable by 1 level 20 so they should do something about it.
Dear Turbine, can I have a halfling juggernaut? Pretty please?
Last edited by mournbladereigns; 07-16-2011 at 12:00 AM.