As usual please take this information as entertainment only. I'm not trying to brag or whatnot just Khyberize Vanshilar's excellent guild horse race thread. Notes - this is actually from 5-1/5-30 since i have time today but not the rest of the week. blah blah blah
Top 12 Guilds (Total Renown) - Renown Growth over Time
Top 10 Guilds (Net Renown May)
Top 10 Single Days in May
All Guilds Level 50+ (Net Renown May over Time)
Special Section - Renown Decay/Growth
This is the renown growth of all guilds by guild size (using members -> 150 small/151-500 Medium/500 Large only level 50+ guilds surveyed)
This is the what the renown looks like by type. By looking at this, you would determine 2 things -> 1 small guild bonus is too high and large guild decay is too big. However, there is a problem child big guild in these numbers who tends to punt people every 4-5 days. By taking them out, we get...
Now all of a sudden it looks like Large/Mediums are in line with each other. Although the power of large guilds should be noted on the weekend of a new Mod launch. Now what if we take the 5 problem child guilds out (Wanderlust, Gimpin, Pilchards, DD, Dragonblood)