So there it was, I log in during this holiday weekend ready to sit down for some regular epics/raids. I find an LFM up for an EV6 and swap to a toon off timer. Only three people in the group so shouldn't be a problem getting in on my rogue/ranger. Click join.. and wait.. After about thirty seconds.. *ding* declined. What the .... Are they really holding nine spots? There were no casters or toons with rogue skills, so I know my lockpicks could have been useful. After a quick rant in-guild about being declined, a fellow guildie comments they want to run an EV6 as well, so let's run our own. Hey, I'm game, and hopefully I won't get declined from that group!

We spread the word and quickly start to get interest and the group forms - yay I'm in! Uneventful von5 - the regular people piking at the beginning, etc. As the group nears getting full an LFM goes up competing with the other LFM up, my group is over half full and I believe the other group still has less. I was told the other party leader sent a tell asking to merge. I noticed a couple people from the other LFM hitting ours. It was then why I was told I was declined. Because when someone myddo'd me I was wearing a shield when I logged out.. and who can trust a rogue with a shield? Seriously? I had to laugh because now everyone from the other LFM had joined our group except the other party leader.
Anyway, thanks again to my guildies for leading an EV6 and more importantly letting my rogue join who logged out with a shield equipped. I have no idea why that other party leader never joined our group - but then again, who would want to accept them - how much damage can an equipped stack of scrolls do anyway?

Oh, and myself and some friends had another good laugh about that in a tower raid where the main tank went incap and Horoth started running smacking the next melee in line with agro. After a couple deaths my rogue was at the top of the agro list all I could hear in voice chat was "Dude pull out your shield! lol!"
Thanks again to my guildies for a great raid (like always) and a fun birthday of raiding.