As a dire hard Avs fan, when it comes to the playoffs and the Avs aren't in/have been elliminated, I have an ABCD philosophy:
But the
Canadiens/Calgary/Canucks or
That being said, it's gonna be Vancouver in 5 .... maybe 6.
3 main reasons:
1. Rest. All the bashing and brusing against the other teams in the west have gone awayish... Vancouver is healthy and hungry.
2. Vancouver make you pay for your mistakes... and Boston has made a lot of mistakes despite getting out of the East. To win, Boston has to play >>>flawless<<< hockey and they haven't done that so far.
3. Vancouver have had better competition to get them through. IMHO: the reason why the West win the cup and is so dominant against the East, is that the team that makes it out of the West, is so much more battle tested and has had to perform at such an elite level for their first 12 games, that the last 4 is just a continuation. The western team just hits the ground running, whereas the East has to rev up. Again: JMHO.
Don't get me wrong: I'm still holding true to my ABCD philosophy...... but I just don't think it's gonna happen. I'd love to see Boston pummel them into nothingness and watch Chara lift the Cup.. But I just don't think it's gonna happen.