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Thread: Stanley Cup

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  1. #11
    Community Member Khanyth's Avatar
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    Oct 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Setin_Myways View Post
    Should be an Epic game tonight. I am pulling for Boston -Original 6.

    With the Winnipeg move, I am hoping the Wings will return to the east, as the only team in the western conference that is in the eastern time zone (columbus and Nashville are central right). Rumor has it bettman (spits 3 times) promised us a move back to the eastern finals the next time a spot opened , but all speculation is this will never happen because so many teams need the wings to play in their stadium to fill it up form time to time. Phoniex actally charges more for tickets when the wings play than other teams (not sure if they do this for any other teams as well).

    Add to that how dominate the Wings would be in the East, and I doubt it would happen... how could the eastern teams with the star players the NHL is marketing ever succeed?

    But it is great hockey to watch.
    Agreed: Detroit isn't going anywhere.... sorry. Don't get me wrong: I'd love for them to move to a lower pit in Hell.... but that's a sidepoint.....

    Detroit to the east is just something I can't see it happening... there's changes and then there's shakeups and then there's blowing the whole thing up. Replacing Atlanta, a consistantly underachieving, low tier team in the East.... with one of the top teams in the West, if not the whole NHL, for the past 15 years is too uber of a shift.... every team in the Eastern conference with SC aspirations would put up roadblocks left right and centre for this. Detroit would own the East for years. Sorry, but it's true.

    Columbus would be an equitable move... they're just as crappy as Atlanta was. Nashville maybe. But Detroit, ach du lieber, that would be too much of a shake up.
    Last edited by Khanyth; 06-10-2011 at 01:02 PM.

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