The system was unable to update your billing information. Please verify your billing information and try again later. If you continue to experience this error, you may wish to try another credit card or contact your issuing bank. To request further assistance, please visit [err: 30005]
The system was unable to update your account at this time due to a system error; we apologize for the inconvenience. If this problem persists, or resulted in any issues in your account, please contact Turbine Customer Service. [err: -2]
Ok for the last 3 or 4 months I have been getting this **** when I try and buy VIP. How could they not of fixed a system error in 3 or 4 months?
Read all the stickys and tried all the suggestions none help.
I'm Aussie so working out the time to phone Turbine is hard and call would cost me like $1 a minute I think.
Really ****ed atm cause this so far has cost me about 2000 TP and the major restrictions on my account which mean I can't play most content or 7 of my characters.
I can only play 3 of my characters atm cause the 4th thats unlocked is a half elf and I don't own the race -_-