Random Thought: Does anyone else have a problem with the concept of "acquired taste", especially with regard to food?

Let me get this straight. The first time you ever tasted this food/drink it was exactly as disgusting to you as it is to me right this moment. But then, inexplicably and against all natural tendencies, you chose to continue to consume this thing in order to force your taste buds to accept it??!

It begs the question: Why stop with say beer, or black coffee, or raw oysters? Shouldn't you go on to other unconventional fare such as dirt, mold, or cowpies? I'm sure you could acquire a taste for those.

"Yeah, the first time I ever ate a bowl of anaconda blood I naturally wanted to retch. But then I was like, ya know what? I can do this."

I refuse to believe I'm the only one who thinks this way.