Bumping this just once since I doubt any devs (may/might) have seen this over the weekend.
Starting yesterday, I've now had 4 zone-in crashes and can only log on to other toons for a time-period that's varied from 3-30 minutes. I haven't touched any other toons before the crash occurs, so in my experience, toon-swapping lag is unrelated. This time I: Logged in, was in meridia. Teleported to harbor. Tried to get into smuggler's rest. Crash.
Win7 ultimate
i7 720QM clarksfield
Radeon HD 5870m with catalyst 11.8
8gb ram
Everything maxed/on except AA(2), ambient occlusion, overbright bloom filter, texture filter(very sharp)
Last edited by Barashkukor; 10-06-2011 at 10:12 AM.
~Intellect and Romance over Brute Force and Cynicism~
Zone in crashes keeps continuing in U11 -.- Orchard, Sands and Red Fens mostly...
AMD Athlon 64, 2,2 GHz
Nvidia GeForce GTS 8800 512 Mb
2gb ram
Aaand again - this time, navigator -> orchard -.-
Setting to dx9 didn't help.
~Intellect and Romance over Brute Force and Cynicism~
I have those kind of crash also, but for me its on house K only, whenever i zone in via market hub to house K or via bank to house K using a tele scroll ( i stoped going to use K bank, havent been on bank for at least 7 months maybe). And they are random so i have no way of anticipating.
But i found out i crash, because that hub crash my USB devices or do something to USB drivers and windows, after i crash, i cant keep using internet, or do a normal reset, i have to force reset by pressing button on PC.
Havent experienced this kind of crash on any other area beside house K, i always zone in to that area frightened.. will i crash.. i need to buy reagents from vendor and scrolls.. he re i go... *add last scene from 2001 by stanley kubrick*
After weeks with no problems, it's happened to me twice in the last couple of hours.
Once when zoning into the Orchard, and again when zoning into the Sands.