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  1. #1
    Community Member Demeron's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Smile The Cheeky People need new Blood!

    Hey Cannith!

    The Cheeky People (Lvl 68) are recruiting! As we lost some members to RL we are looking for New blood! We are a small familiar guild of mature boys and girls, where Teamplay and fun is the most important reason to play. We do not take the Game or ourselves too serious but we are also not a bunch of clowns.

    Our current members are all from Europe so the main times we are online is Euro evening and night. You should be able to speak/write/understand English. We play all levels, Lowbies as well as high Level toons, we raid a lot and do Epic`s from time to time. We try to help each other if we can and never force someone to do anything. All we ask is that you are nice and friendly to all; we prefer teamplay over zerging.

    A good laugh is worth more than anything else. No matter if you are just beginner, or an old Vet, if u are interested in joining us send a PM or a tell to one of our members in game or join us in a PUG or two (see my toons below). We will run a couple of quests with you to see if u fit in and if you feel like we are the guild for you. We want to stay small and familiar so we just have a few spots to available for team members,
    Last edited by Demeron; 05-30-2011 at 02:52 PM.
    Leader of The Cheeky People on Cannith
    Alts: Groshy, Fattwig, Hotpants, Gimpo, Quintara, Shorttwig, Wulfbrann, Hackandslay and Freki

  2. #2
    Community Member Demeron's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Default Newbie frienldy TR Group leaving Korthos

    So, we still look out for new Members, yesterday some of us did TR again and we are ready to enter the Harbor. If you looking fpr a group of mature PLayers find our LFM`s and join us on the way to the Marked Place:-) Heythatsmine, Groshy and Valester are willing to give out a hand to newbies during the Europe evening Houres.
    Leader of The Cheeky People on Cannith
    Alts: Groshy, Fattwig, Hotpants, Gimpo, Quintara, Shorttwig, Wulfbrann, Hackandslay and Freki

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