I could have sworn I read this some where, but now I can't find it. Does dilettante count against you for the spell point loss Favored Soul/Sorcerer cross class penalty?
I could have sworn I read this some where, but now I can't find it. Does dilettante count against you for the spell point loss Favored Soul/Sorcerer cross class penalty?
I'm not too sure of what exactly you are asking here, but I think you want to know if you suffer some sort of SP penalty as a Half-Elf Sorc with the FvS dilletante, is that right?
To my knowledge, if you are a Half-Elf full Sorc you have full Sorc SP for whatever level you are regardless of which dilettante you take. So an equally geared level 20 Sorc, be it Human or Half-Elf will have the same SP regardless of dilettante.
Hope that clears it up.
I cannot imagine any dilettante choice affecting the number of bonus spell points that you receive. That doesn't mean Turbine doesn't have it working that way, just the I can't understand why it should.
Both sorcerers and favored souls receive double spell points from items but they have that effect reduced when they are not pure class. So a sorcerer 10/fighter 10 should only receive a doubling on half of the points on a 100sp item (making it equivalent to 150sp).
But, a sorcerer 20/fighter dilettante should double all of the points on that 100sp item and get the full 200sp effect.
I've never tested a sorcerer 10/favored soul 10 to see if they would get full sp since each competing half of the build should be getting its own doubling.... But, whatever that impact is I don't think adding a dilettante will have any added effect.
Ah that was it. I thought it was a loss of spell points per level. I didn't know it was only on the item bonus. Since it is on the bonus then it will be easy to tell quickly. Thank you both.
Edit: Only tested with low level items, but doesn't seem to effect the sp bonus.
Last edited by Sorwen; 05-30-2011 at 07:32 PM.