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Thread: Confession...

  1. #1
    Community Member Miahoo's Avatar
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    May 2010

    Default Confession...

    I convinced my guild to run an eVoN6 raid last Thursday.

    VoN5 done on normal, and we step in for part 6.
    We buff, getting the bases, ddooring back to rebuff, and stepping in.

    Now, I want to mention, that I dont know this raid much. It was only my 2nd time on epic, and only about my 10th time total to face the dragon.

    So we step in to fight the dragon.
    After like ~30 seconds hitting the dragon's nose, I think to myself: "Hmm... I think the fire breath comming soon... Ah, I better say nothing and not act like a noob...".
    ~5 seconds later I see some fire comming from the dragon's nose. And again I think to myself: "OMG! Is that it?? now.. easy Miahoo, dont be a noob and say something you don't know.", "Yep, thats right.. I better just go hide behind the pillar. If someone ask, I just went to... hmmm... rebuff! yeah! rebuff with fireshield!".

    So I go hide behind the pillar, while the rest of the group keep beating the dragon.
    3 seconds later, a MASIVE fire comes out of the dragon's mouth, killing everybody!!
    I try to raise the clerics who keep getting killed. raising them like 3 times before we all dead.. Its a wipe.

    Later on I hear people screaming: OMG!! No one announce Fire!!


    Sorry guys... totally my fault
    By not wanna be a noob, I went the noobest there is.
    Last edited by MiahooJunk; 05-29-2011 at 09:21 AM.
    Server: Cannith
    Mains: Miahoo, Miahoorog, Miahoohealer, Miahoohjeal, Miahoopuke

  2. #2
    Hero Musouka's Avatar
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    Oct 2009


    For one, whoever really knew the raid, like most of the melees obviously, should've taken some initiative to make sure everything was covered. Usually in the pugs I join for it, there are more than a few people who bring up that it's nice to have someone who can see it a bit easier call out fire, like one of the healers or arcanes that are standing back.
    Sarkiki - Orexis - Pallikaria - Epithymia - Musouka - Empnefsi | Cannith Server

  3. #3
    Community Member Bodic's Avatar
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    Sep 2006


    someone should have spoken up the back side healer should have been a smoke caller

  4. #4
    Community Member Ehllie's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    try to have someone on the back calling it, or guess with the haste boost timer (or whatever boost you might have & use on your char).

  5. #5
    Community Member Claymorep's Avatar
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    Nov 2009


    Reading a new guild is at window of epic remember me my first dragon when cap level was 10 in europe and when I did the first epic dragon... a lot of nice sensations.
    After exactly 103 epic von 6 with 3 alts (90% with guild) I can assure You that ALL party members have to shout FIRE! as soon as someone notice it.

    A lot of times seen a dragon breath noone spotted or someone too lazy to tell and... FLUOSSSSHHHHHHHHH!!! Humanoids bbq as main daily dish for the big red geko...

    Don't be noob for the fear to appear a noob and say something you look "strange" like: "Velah appears ill today, she has something coming out from nose..."

  6. #6
    Community Member Vyrn's Avatar
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    Dec 2009


    Since I've always just gona by the calls for fire, and the little fire from the nose graphic, wondering how to time it. Anyone know the exact time or something of that sort for/between the breaths?
    Quote Originally Posted by The_Rocking_Dead View Post
    It's simply a matter of catering to a larger audience.

  7. #7
    Community Member
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    Dec 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Vyrn View Post
    Since I've always just gona by the calls for fire, and the little fire from the nose graphic, wondering how to time it. Anyone know the exact time or something of that sort for/between the breaths?
    I finally asked in the last raid i was in and was told "As soon as the smoke starts run away" as i usually just wait till someone yells RUN...

  8. #8
    Community Member nerdychaz's Avatar
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    Nov 2009


    Great Story! It's nice to know that I'm not the only screw up around here!
    Member of The Guild of Calamitous Intent
    Cannith Server
    Main Toons: Skarro and Usko
    I maximize my strengths and buy bane weapons for my weaknesses.

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