Despite having UMD as a class skill and being aware of the fact the Heal Scrolls are just that good, I actually did not bother with thinking about getting my UMD score up to reasonable high levels on my (currently level 15) rogue. Upon being asked "You are a rogue. Why don't you use scrolls to heal yourself?" in a curious, not angry fashion I started to think about how and if I can get heal scrolls working while leveling.
So, I am interested in what other rogue players do.
How much UMD gear do you have incorporated in your typical fighting setup?
This applies both to mid- and end-level gear. I know that there is a plethora of UMD-boosting items (Golden Cartouche, Big Top, Spyglass, GH clickie, GS +cha skill items, Head/Voice/Bucaneer, et al), but I am really interested in how many slots you dedicate to the goal of achieving that magic number 39.