This one sadly is from a guildy, whom I've referred to here before. Repeatedly. He really should know better, after having capped not one, not even two, but FOUR characters.
To start, he pushed us into TRing earlier than I wanted to, taking two of his capped characters, a Cleric and a Paladin (which he plays all of them identically, so I don't really know why he bothers) and turning them into a Favored Soul and a Paladin, respectively. Which he plays exactly the same way. I was the last to TR, despite his insistence I TR my Favored Soul into another Favored Soul; I waited and finally broke down and TRed my Cleric that I hated playing, before gearing up the way I wanted to prior to a TR. Despite his insistence, I went Sorcerer instead of Cleric or FvS.
Things go smoothly for our TR/lowbie group, despite the lack of gear. So long as he is NOT in group. Friday, we got him to 8 on his FvS. Now this was a run which I, on my Sorcerer, umded a lesser restoration wand and about 40 pots all told to heal stat damage that the OTHER players were taking, because he "didn't have room for it". His primary contribution was running ahead, setting off several traps despite the efforts of the Rogue to stop him before, and bragging about his "dps". The real kicker is my Sorcerer, despite having TRed specifically to get away from playing a healing-type (I even went Human so I couldn't use repair spells), heals more than his FvS, via UMD. When he hit 8, everyone in the guild said he should get Restoration.
He adamantly refused, saying that he didn't need to, he had more important spells like Holy Smite (seriously this is the spell he picked out as "more important"), and wouldn't have room for any of the Restoration spells. He even went through and listed all the spells he was taking, as he's following some build plan he dug up. I think he called it an Evoker, but knowing him, it's got his own "spin" on it. I do know that he either pew pew's Searing Light, or charges in with a Holy Longsword (no matter the enemy, Holy weapons MUST work, right?). Not once has he cast Command, or Soundburst, or basically anything useful. He mostly just melees, and heals after combat is over.
Sure enough, when hitting Necro2 quests today, he had not gotten it, and I was stuck being the one to fix all stat damage again. It is bad enough that another guildy joked that I was still playing the Cleric in the group, even though I was no longer a Cleric! I just wonder what he'll say when he gets to a helpless state, and starts needing restores from the Sorcerer.
Thankfully, he played his paladin for awhile, so while our Cleric was very inexperienced at the role, he was still far and away better at it. We got him to 8, at which point I figured "alright, don't need to hit him with Resist Energy again, maybe he'll handle some of it, so the costs are spread out". Nope! I think he took Bull's Strength or something, because he pestered me for Resists as soon as we hit something after getting his level. I was fed up, and told him he'd best use a potion or swap at a shrine, and refused to cast it on him. I even tried to not hit him with Haste, Blur, and Rage, though another Guildy on her Bard hit the Blur, and Haste and Rage are hard to specifically exclude someone from.
We were in Delera's, last part, and he was hanging back in the main room with the levers, pulled each and killing things, while we cleared half the quest. Then argued that we were the ones wasting time playing with traps, even though that quest gives you conquest even if you don't do all the levers. I've soloed it a hundred times, and never hit more than one lever, and always get conquest.
The fun part was when we were running Shadow Guard. He got ****ed off because we went in on normal, which none of us had done it yet so we all got an extra 25%. I think I pulled close to 10k all told, due to a potion and a 2% shrine. So it was far from a wasted run, though I hate that quest due to the long, boring, slow swim parts. After he whined about wasting time and wasted effort, I finally told him he could leave if he didn't want to do it, and try soloing it.
He decided to sulk, left the skype call, and tried to zerg ahead. The funny part was when he ran in alone to deal with the invisible stalker optional. I was second in, and stood there and watched him until he was down to about 10% health before he finally tried to back out. He tried the same thing with the boss, and again, I let him get beat on before stepping in. Both times, I took aggro with an ice storm, pk'd the living, and nuked the dead. In the end, while he had the second-most kills, he also was first in every time, and I was generally coming in at the same time as the rest of our group, usually some time after he had gotten there. One guildy has troubles finding her way, so I stay back to help guide her.
In the end room, I was the only one near full health, while the Bard had drained her sp bar trying to heal, and his was still mostly full, by the time everything was dead. Even he had been knocked down a good chunk.
To top it off, he was whining about my sorc leveling too fast. I haven't had the time to actually play, due to work, so I thought she was leveling quite slowly. He's now insistent again that I TR my FvS or my Paladin into something else, so he won't be behind me in levels.
To put it shortly, he is so bad as a divine that a player who has nothing but melees, and hates playing casters, is leveling a Cleric. Another has decided to TR a third character into a divine, just because she's also "leveling too fast (with two TRs), and she's pretty good as a cleric herself. And the entire group wants me to level another FvS or Cleric, because they'd rather me take that role than him. And that includes him.
In Necro 1, Burning Heart (I think... the one where you split into two groups), he had a Bard, himself, and a Fighter, while me Sorc, another Bard, and a Rogue/Fighter took the other side. My side cleared out, and then I went ahead to his side, and helped clear the way to the shrine for them. Meanwhile, the Bard died because he is squishy, and tried to heal the FvS, and the Fighter almost died before she jumped into the water, and the FvS just kept spamming Searing Light.
I think he has a thing with people getting ahead of him. In kill counts, or in levels. He was annoyed that the guildy who now runs a Bard had capped 4 characters before he capped one. He runs ahead, relying on hirelings and/or store-bought mana pots to keep himself up while he clears as much as he can. Usually getting DA for us, though I'll admit I can easily do the same thing. He doesn't like splitting up I think, either. In quests where we can, he usually insists on sticking together.
I am sorely tempted to grind out 10 tonight, despite having worked all day, and working again tomorrow. And tell him I decided to not TR my Paladin, and just raid with her for a few months. :evil: