here's a crazy idea, not sure if it's been thought of before, it probably has, but how about Savant Forms? Similar to the PM forms but actually do things for DPS, not DCs.
A savant combat form for Savant II
DR equivelant to level/2
Minor version of Earthgrab/Incineration/Knockdown/Crushing wave on melee attacks
BAB equal to level
+? to str and con
<other effects>
treated as elemental
A savant caster form for Savant III
DR equivelant to (level/2)+5
Earthgrab/Incernation/Airguard/Crushingwave guard
stacking 25% to damage? 15%?
+to saves
treated as elemental
+cha and (con or hps?)
Obviously it can be put in more reasonable outlines, but it's just an idea to build off of.