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decicded to plan out my gear for my acrobat
head: eRed Dragon or minII HP helm
goggles: tharnes
armor: eRed Dragon, DT, or eVulkoorim
bracers: eschorced bracers/ejhizkat stupid monk bracers with wierd name eJidz-tet'ka, possibly the Thaarak Bracers from the new stuff if you don't have toughness slotted in a blue epic slot.
boots: gs hp item? swap slot: FF, Anchoring, eDustless etc.
belt: ravager
ring 1: encrusted
ring 2: shinto
neckless: shinto
cloak: eenvemoned
trinkit: eBloodstone would be ideal, eSpyglass for a trapsmithing & UMD swap.
gloves: echarged guantlets
weapons: esouleater/rahls/dreamspitter
look good or other things would be better?