I wanted to change my race to Human in my next life because I wanted the the extra feat, but I really dont want to lose the extra +1 con and +20 HP for only 5 AP. I think I will stay as a half elf and swap greater spell penetration to quicken spell in my next life, as I will have two wizard past lives giving me enough spell penetration.
Something I also realised is the following:
On a Dwarf you start with +2 con, but enhancement wise +2 con costs 6 AP, and +40 HP costs 10 AP.
Whereas on a half elf +2 con costs 4 AP, and +40 HP only costs 6 AP, plus another 10 HP also possible for another 3 AP for racial toughness 3.
Fleshy Arcanes make me giggle.
Zaphear(Completionist), Lugziurious, Lugzmeat Shield, Lugzii, Lugziii, Lugzsing Measong - De Profundis
Run faster and try harder to keep up ;-)
I will miss people having cocoon; thankfully I'm near the end of my run of sorc lives on my traditionally fleshy caster type. Nothing like someone 2 rooms behind you throwing you a "thank you for zerging and completing so fast" cocoon.
Cleric or Druid next set I think.
Ghallanda - now with fewer alts and more ghostbane