I find it quite a hassle to find room and activating/desactivating metamagics in my skill bar and I thought of something that would make metamagic more caster-friendly.

Instead of having them used as "Stance", we should be able to select a spell so that spell is set to that metamagic alone, the other spells not assigned to any metamagics are not affected and when you use that spell in your skill bar that spell will have the metamagic. Seems a bit confusing but here's an example of how it would work:

Lets say I learn Empower and I wanted to use it on my Scorching Ray and put it on my skill bar shortcut "1":

I'd have to drag Empower from my feat list in the skill bar slot "1", and then drag Scorching Ray over Empower that was assigned in skill bar slot "1". Now the Scorching Ray that I placed in skill bar slot "1" will always be casted under the Empower metamagic. We could also equip 2 of the same spell in our skill bar if they don't use the same metamagic, an example would be Melf's Acid Arrow with Empower and another Melf's Acid Arrow with Extend (if that even works).

I just thought metamagics would be a lot smoother to use this way instead of crowding our skill bars with metamagic stances which we have ti activate/deactivate even if we only need it for a single spell.

What do you guys think about this idea? Feedback is welcome, I'd like to see how many people would be interested in this new way.