Yeah I am back, much to the dismay of the devs. However, that is not the issue. I know in LotRO they changed how you logged into the forums; linking it so the password/login is the same as the game. You probably did it here, too.
PROBLEM: My account is actually a sub account of my hubby's. So we use the same password/login to get into the game THEN we choose different "accounts" THerefore, my MYDDO does not fuction, and I cannot actually ask you to link it to my account, per se, due to the issues stated above. I know you fixed it before, and I am asking to have it fixed again. I am tired of the red box. I am also tired of the brocolli, too, but you never changed that for me. sigh.
Please? With sugar and Girl Scout THin Mint Cookies??
(Please note, I did use GS for bribery. That's gotta count for something. However, if you want homemade, I cna hook you up with Star Wars sugar cookies! Or Chocolate chip...or whatever! )