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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Feb 2010

    Lightbulb Play Map Customization

    Allow players to make notes and place icons on the maps.

  2. #2
    Hero madmaxhunter's Avatar
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    Nov 2009


    Not a bad idea, I'd just be happy if they'd get rid of the stupid "fog of war" after you run the area the first time.
    Completionist Lighthardtt Tuisian of Sarlona
    leader emeritus, Bridge Burners

    "Just another day in pair-o'-dice"

  3. #3
    Community Member varusso's Avatar
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    May 2010



    And allow us the option to store maps locally so they wont black out after running 4-5 other areas.
    And allow an option to use the same map for all toons on the account.

  4. #4
    Community Member Cauthey's Avatar
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    Jun 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by varusso View Post

    And allow us the option to store maps locally so they wont black out after running 4-5 other areas.
    /SIGNED!! This would really be helpful!

    Quote Originally Posted by varusso View Post
    And allow an option to use the same map for all toons on the account.

  5. #5
    Community Member varusso's Avatar
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    May 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Cauthey View Post
    /SIGNED!! This would really be helpful!

    Theres no reason to have to re-explore a map every single time you roll a new toon. When I have run GH over a dozen times and can practically see the map in my head, there is no reason I should have to fill it in again with a new toon. It would also make the map notes useless if you couldnt actually see them, and having to re-enter them on every single toon would just be silly.

    For those who want the RP flavor of pretending it is a new experience with THAT TOON, that is why I said make it an option. It could be set up as an account-wide option or a toon by toon option to share the map. If you have the option turned off, each toon stores its own map (locally) and that map is unaffected by any other toon. If the option in turned on, that toon shares a 'community' map with every other toon that has it turned on. If one toon explores an area, they all get the benefit. The unexplored areas for each toon would still be gray (as they are now when you are in a fresh instance of that same map) and areas unexplored by all toons would be black. This way you could still track individual toon progress in an area, while benefiting from your overall effort in the zone.

  6. #6
    Community Member
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    i really like this idea

    also for outdoor zones that i have to constantly re-explore. If i get the explorer for that area, that should unlock that area of the map for ever. If i get all explorer's then the map should always be open to me
    Automwillow - Guild Waylanders(30) on Sarlona Recruiting casual geek dads

  7. #7
    Community Member donfilibuster's Avatar
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    Nov 2009


    As for icons, maybe it'd help to have markers in-quest too, which are fairly useful in practice.
    So far some of us use the symbol spells as markers but not everyone has GS clickies for this.
    Maybe DDO can have something more appropiate like persistent image or permanent image or such.

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