So this week the forums have been up in arms about balance and raid compositions and what not. So I thought it was time to even things out. This raid tactic will restore the balance and let melee re-take their rightful place in the game. I urge all concerned melee to try this tactic out, as I am pretty sure you can't fail when using it. I am thinking of using it on all my shrouds from now on
So, 'How does it work?', I hear you ask. Well it can be a little complex to get going initially, especially if you are new to this tactic, but once you get going it tends to look after itself and you can just kick back and relax. I forgot to get screenshots of each part of the shroud, but I am sure you can work it out from these fourThe main part is the last one anyway, as that is where it all counts. Lets look at what you need to do.
First off, you need to make sure that you get in a good position so that you get a clear and uninterrupted view of the battlefield. That way you can respond to problems, bad luck, poor players quickly and keep things under control. Under no circumstance should you leave this position and try to join in on the Harry beatdown. As that will increase the chance of raid failure. Remember, stay high. Stay in control!
Next off, make sure your Druids are using the Polymorph spell to effectively control Harry's aggro. At this stage you can leave the high position to check your team from a different location, making sure that the Druids (Hezrou) in the pic below, have the big fella locked down. As you can see, some of the Druids were piking on the outside and/or forgot to pick up Polymorph at the last shrine, so make sure you remind them to before you head into part 5.
Thirdly, once you have successfully pounded Harry into dust, and you will with this tactic believe me, make sure you let people have a chance to recall. I find the best way to do this is to get everyone around the altar, facing away from the chests and listening to my final instructions. This way their minds are not wandering and large ingredients do not occupy their thoughts, so they can give you 110% focus for your final orders. Make sure you type in caps too, as the Druids still in Polymorph form have a hard time reading due to the vision problems it induces.
Finally, I honestly recommend to all shroud leaders that you acknowledge and reward your team's excellent job before everyone leaves. Take some time to go through the raid blow by blow and list the most stunning moves/kills that happened and by who. That way you know everyone will be ready to use this tactic again the next time you are off timer. For example, on this run the reward was a good boning for the toon with the highest kill count, and Gen won. So I hope he is looking forward to getting the boning as much as I am looking forward to giving it
And there you have it. The best strategy I have used so far. Thanks very much to all the team players who came along on this run and helped me get this perfected.
On a final note, you can clearly see that this strategy will also lead to an increase in your own personal dps/kill count. Something all melee love. My kill count was up a full 300% on all the shrouds I have done in the past. I really love this new tactic!
I strongly encourage all melee to give this tactic a go. Best of luck all
PS. All my melee were on timer, so I went with the bard. I mean, come on, who doesn't love a bard!