In the hope of breathing some life into some of these feats and combat styles... I haven't hit on all things but on a few... I something will be done to make all combat styles valuable and valid in as much content as possible.
Exotic Weapon Master Enhancements
A rough idea of having an Enhancement line for each exotic weapon
Bastard Sword I: Increase Glancing Blow Damage by 10% and chance to apply weapon effects by 3%.
Bastard Sword II: Increase Glancing Blow Damage by 10% and chance to apply weapon effects by 3%.
Bastard Sword III: Increase Glancing Blow Damage by 10% and chance to apply weapon effects by 3%.
Dwarven Waraxe I: Increase Glancing Blow Damage by 10% and chance to apply weapon effects by 3%.
Dwarven Waraxe II: Increase Glancing Blow Damage by 10% and chance to apply weapon effects by 3%.
Dwarven Waraxe III: Increase Glancing Blow Damage by 10% and chance to apply weapon effects by 3%.
Great Crossbow I: Has a 3% chance to knock target down.
Great Crossbow II: Has a 6% chance to knock target down.
Great Crossbow III: Has a 9% chance to knock target down.
Kama I: Upon successful critical hit applies a -2 penalty to attack rolls, skills and saves for 20sec to the target
Kama II: Upon successful critical hit applies a -3 penalty to attack rolls, skills and saves for 20sec to the target
Kama III: Upon successful critical hit applies a -4 penalty to attack rolls, armor class, skills and saves for 20sec to the target
Khopesh I: Has a 3% chance to sunder the target as per the Sunder feat
Khopesh II: Has a 6% chance to sunder the target as per the Sunder feat
Khopesh III: Has a 9% chance to sunder the target as per the Sunder feat
Repeating Crossbow (Light or Heavy) I: Has a 10% chance to fire an additional Bolt before reloading
Repeating Crossbow (Light or Heavy) II: Has a 20% chance to fire an additional Bolt before reloading
Repeating Crossbow (Light or Heavy) III: Has a 30% chance to fire an additional Bolt before reloading
Shuriken I: Has a 10% chance to throw a second Shuriken (stacks with Shuriken Expertise)
Shuriken II: Has a 20% chance to throw a second Shuriken (stacks with Shuriken Expertise)
Shuriken III: Has a 30% chance to throw a second Shuriken (stacks with Shuriken Expertise)
Weapon Finesse
Change Feat name to Fighting Finesse or other suitable name.
Fighting Finesse Feat
Prerequisites: Dexterity 15
Benefit: As long as the characters Dexterity score exceeds the characters Strength score and the character wears light or no armor, the character gains the following benefits. Dexterity Modifier is used to determine attack bonus and Tactical DCs when using light or special Finesse weapons. The character uses speed and accuracy to attack more rapidly while remaining outside the reach of his opponents and gains a 5% bonus to Double Strike and a 5% bonus to damage mitigation.
Two Weapon Defense
Remove the Two Weapon Blocking Feat and roll benefits into the Two Weapon Defense Feat.
Two Weapon Defense
Prerequisite: Two Weapon Fighting
Benefits: Gain the following benefits while fighting with two weapons or a double weapon. Gain a +1 bonus to armor class which increases to +2 while blocking, a +2 to Blocking Damage Reduction, and a 5% bonus to damage mitigation.
Shield Proficiency
Different types of shields gain slightly different bonuses.
Buckler: 0% damage mitigation and 10% chance to Shield Bash
Light: 5% damage mitigation and 10% chance to Shield Bash
Heavy: 10% damage mitigation and 10% chance to Shield Bash
Tower: 15% damage mitigation and 10% chance to Shield Bash
Shield Mastery: Increase Blocking Damage Reduction by 3 and damage mitigation by 10%
Improved Shield Mastery: Increase Blocking Damage Reduction by 3 and damage mitigation by 10%
Improved Shield Bash: Improve chance to Shield Bash by 20% and keep Shield Bonus to AC while actively Shield Bashing.
Prerequisite: Dexterity 13
Benefit: gain a +1 bonus to armor class and a 1% bonus to damage mitigation.
Prerequisite: Dodge
Benefit: Improve armor class while moving by +2 and while tumbling by +4.
Spring Attack
Prerequisite: Dodge, Mobility
Benefit: The character no longer suffers a penalty to attacks while moving. Additionally instead of having an attack chain of +0/+0 the character instead has an attack chain of +0/+5 and if applicable gains a Glancing Blow on the second attack of the chain.
Slicing Blow
Benefit: Using this attack, you deal 1 point of Constitution damage to your target and deal 1 to 4 additional damage 2 seconds later as the target bleeds. The target suffers an additional round of bleeding for every 3 character levels, up to a max of 6 at level 15. The target suffers an additional point of Constitution damage for every 6 character levels, up to a max of 4 at level 18. Some creatures may be immune to the bleeding or wounding effect.
Benefit: Using this attack, you deal 1 point of Dexterity damage to your target. The target’s movement rate is also reduced by 50% and they take a -4 penalty to Reflex saves and to resist trip and knockdown effects for the duration of the effect. The target suffers an additional point of Dexterity damage for every 6 character levels, up to a max of 4 at level 18. Some creatures may be immune to the ability damage effect.
Improved Sunder
Prerequisite: Power Attack
Benefit: Using this attack, you may reduce the target's Armor Class by 5 for a longer time. Additionally creatures with Fortification have it reduced by 25% for the duration of the effect. Some creatures may be immune to the sunder effect. A successful Fortitude save negates this effect. (DC 14 + Str mod)
Power Critical
Prerequisite: BAB 4, Weapon Focus
Benefit: +2 seeker bonus (stacking)
Whirlwind Attack
Prerequisite: Dodge,Mobility, Spring Attack and Combat Expertise
Benefit: Activate this ability to attack all enemies in a 360 degree arc around you and apply a trip effect to all targets hits. The trip DC is calculated as normal.