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  1. #1
    Community Member Iwinbyrollup's Avatar
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    Default Looking for Sorcerer build advice

    I'm TRing my offensive caster cleric into a Sorcerer soon for the passive Past Life feat. I haven't yet played an arcane though and could use some build advice. I'm looking into probably making an Air Savant (although open to suggestions here), also thinking Warforged for self-healing capabilities. I'm not building for level 20 play so much as getting to 20.

    My initial thought is to start with 16 Charisma and 18 Constitution, which leaves me with 8 more ability points. I'm thinking of 2-4 in Intelligence (with a +2 tome for an additional skill point per level at 7) and the rest in Strength although I would consider other options.

    So starting thoughts:
    STR 14
    DEX 8
    CON 18
    INT 10
    WIS 6
    CHA 16

    Or 2 out of Strength and into Intelligence, although I think that's probably enough skill points.

    Feat-wise, I really don't know what I need for this character. Toughness, Empower, Maximize, Quicken, Spell Focus are all givens. I don't know about the last two. Options include Extend, Heighten, Spell Penetration, Greater Spell Focus, etc. I'm leaning towards taking Heighten (at the very least, well before GSF) but am not sure about the need depending on how my DCs end up--since I'm not aiming for epic play I'd probably be able to get passable DCs. In terms of Spell Focus, I'm thinking Evocation is the best way to go for obvious reasons; Conjuration works for Savant as well however and I'll get the passive Cleric past life (+1 Conjuration DC) so SF: Conjuration would be a nice boost in addition if I went that route (don't think it actually matters much for the spells I'd have anyway).

    Also, anyone got any good spell lists for an Air Savant?

    Thanks for any help!
    Khyber: Carinn (TR 18 Sorcerer) -- Kyrainne (TR 20 Paladin) -- Arrail (TR 20 Favored Soul) -- Aoede (18 Bard) -- Terrabourne (20 Ranger) -- Ankhalla (20 Monk) -- Cylanna (20 Rogue)
    The Lifeguard: A Swimcleric build

  2. #2
    Community Member Ridag's Avatar
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    I'd take the following feats:

    1 - Toughness
    3 - Maximize
    6 - Extend
    9 - Empower
    12 - SF: Evocation
    15 - Quicken
    18 - Heighten

    If you want Quicken sooner then take Toughness later on and bump everything up in order. For leveling Quicken isn't seriously needed unless you do most of the grind solo, even then you aren't taking serious damage till later in the game on higher difficulty settings.

    I'd level as a Fire Savant personally, it just eats up the lower level content and Wall of Fire is still king in most quests. Acid would probably be a good choice as a secondary damage type, it's a decent synergy with fire and fills in the gaps. It will also allow you to avoid many DC based spells.

    Everyone has their own TR grind method, so I'm not sure what you run and you may want to chose a damage type based on that late in the game. Personally I never touch Amrath on a TR grind, I hit vale when I'm forced to take 17 and then cap out in IQ/Reaver's Refuge. If you do the same then there is not really any reason to spec out of Fire/Acid, but if your tastes differ you can always switch up your enhancements later in the game to go Water Savant with secondary in either Force or Acid.

  3. #3
    Community Member RudeIota's Avatar
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    SF: Evocation makes sense for Air since that covers most of your primary spells (eldar's, electric loop, lightning ball, bolt and chain). Same goes for fire and water too. Earth is the really the only one that benefits from conjuration(Acid rain and acid blast).

    Heighten would be my personal choice between the feats you're considering... It'll make your electric loop rock. Extend will be more useful earlier on though until maybe 12-15 when your buffs last long enough to not be annoying. Extend is pretty much only good for buffs now.

    If you're going for a nuker, then spell penetration won't matter at all. If you're planning on working with CC though, definitely consider spell pen, greater spell pen and heighten for sure.

    I have never played a WF arcane myself, but I have an Earth Savant and I've used my share of lightning spells prior to Update 9. I know with the changes though, lightning bolt will be your bread and electric loop will be your butter. Ball lightning is the best blast/ball spell in my opinion and there are some good reasons to be an Air Savant.

    Have fun. :-)
    Last edited by RudeIota; 05-26-2011 at 03:25 PM.

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Sep 2009


    The cleric past life feat makes more sense for an earth savant, with the conjuration focus, unless the poster just does not like being a cleric any more.

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